Big Brother Wiki
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Alliance Profile
Big Brother 16 (US)
Members Zach Rance
Frankie Grande
Cody Calafiore
Derrick Levasseur
Donny Thompson
Defectors Frankie Grande
Votes Against 11
HoH Wins 6 (Weeks 1, 4, 5, 8, & 11)
6 (Weeks 2, 6, 7, 8 & 12)
Veto Wins 4 (Weeks 7,8,Day 77, & 11)
Lowest Placing Member Zach Rance (9/16)
Highest Placing Member Frankie Grande (5/16)

Zankie was an alliance and showmance on Big Brother 16 (US).


Frankie Grande
Zach Rance


Cody Calafiore
Derrick Levasseur
Donny Thompson


First Downfall[]

Following the double eviction on Day 49, it appears that Zach no longer trusts Frankie after learning that Frankie is not true to their alliance. On Day 51, Zankie appeared to have made up, however, Zach revealed to other houseguests and in his Diary Room sessions that he no longer trusts Frankie. On Day 51, Zach won the Power of Veto after having been nominated by Christine Brecht.

During Week 6, Frankie was going to vote to evict Zach, but after being persuaded by Caleb Reynolds not to, he voted to evict Jocasta Odom. After the double eviction, Zach told Nicole Franzel about The Detonators and Nicole told him that Frankie and Christine Brecht were going to flip. This caused Zach to lose trust in Frankie. On Day 50, the two got into a major argument, but "made up" the next day, despite Zach saying he no longer trusted Frankie. During Week 8, Frankie remained Head of Household after the Battle of the Block competition. When Frankie won POV later in the week, he used it on Caleb and put Zach up as the replacement nominee, and has stated that he wanted him out.


Big Brother 16 (US) Alliances
Bomb SquadCrazy 8sDouble D'sEl CuatroLos Tres AmigosTeam AmericaTeam JesusThe DetonatorsThe HitmenThe RationaleThe WeirdosZankie