Big Brother Wiki
The Mafia (BB25)
The Mafia
Alliance Profile
Big Brother 25 (US)
Members Bowie Jane Ball
Jag Bains
Matt Klotz
America Lopez
Cameron Hardin
Cirie Fields
Cory Wurtenberger
Felicia Cannon
Votes Against 12
HoH Wins 7 (Weeks 10, 11 (Secret), 12,
Day 86, Weeks 13, 14, & Day 100)
8 (Weeks 3, 4, 5, 14, & Day 100)
Veto Wins 9 (Weeks 3, 7, Day 51, Weeks 10, 11,
12, Day 86, Weeks 13, & 14)
Lowest Placing Member Bowie Jane Ball (3/17)
Highest Placing Member Jag Bains (1/17)

The Mafia is the dominant alliance on Big Brother 25 (US).


Bowie Jane Ball
Bowie Jane
Jag Bains
Matt Klotz


America Lopez
Cameron Hardin
Cirie Fields
Cory Wurtenberger
Felicia Cannon



The Mafia began in Week 10 as a trio between Bowie Jane Ball, Jag Bains, and Matt Klotz, although the alliance was not officially named until Matt’s Head of Household reign in Week 13 at the final 5. The alliance was an extension of The Minutemen, who wanted to make a strong alliance with then-HOH Bowie Jane.


After Bowie Jane finished her HOH reign by successfully and unanimously evicting a large threat in Cameron Hardin, Jag would win 2 consecutive HOHs (1 secret) and POVs, which he used to evict Cory Wurtenberger and Blue Kim by unanimous votes. During Day 86's Double Eviction, Bowie Jane would win HOH again and Matt POV, ending in the eviction of America Lopez by a 3-0 vote.

The Mafia kept in power again with Matt winning HOH and Jag POV at the final 5, evicting Cirie Fields by a 2-0 vote. Finally, Bowie Jane would win her third HOH and Jag his record-breaking seventh POV, and the latter would evict Felicia Cannon with his sole vote.


After Felicia was evicted, The Mafia became the only three houseguests remaining, and officially dissolved. Matt would win Part 1 of the Final HOH and Jag would win Part 2. Jag would win Part 3 and evict Bowie Jane with his sole vote, subsequently winning the game over Matt by a jury vote of 5-2.


  • The Mafia won every HOH during the jury phase.
    • One of their members would also win the Power of Veto every possible week of the jury phase, but not every POV, due to the BB Power of Multiplicity giving Blue Kim a bonus POV in Week 11.
  • Bowie Jane Ball is the only member to not win a Power of Veto competition.
Big Brother 25 (US) Alliances
3 Way Rats7 Deadly SinsAmeriCoryBrown Sugar BabesBye Bye BitchesCrowd ControlFamily StyleFor Real For RealLegend 25Phalanx 5The BookendsThe ChillersThe CrossroadsThe FieldsThe FugitivesThe HandfulThe MafiaThe MinutemenThe ProfessorsThe Real FieldsThe SirensThe UnreliablesThe Writers Room