Big Brother Wiki

Summer Sayles was a houseguest on Big Brother Canada 10.

Summer started the game comfortably, being apart of the majority Savage Seven, The Honey Bunch and The Mandams before those alliances blew up pre-jury. Summer had strong alliances with Betty and Tynesha, and close relationships with Gino, Jacey-Lynne, Josh and Hermon.

Summer was known for manipulating several houseguests during pre-jury, having orchestrated the blindside of Stephanie and convincing Gino to backdoor his ally Kyle. The houseguests began to notice how influential she was and decided to target her. Her good position would begin crumble when Tynesha was backdoored in Week 5. This left Summer on the outs for the rest of the season. The following week, she developed a rivalry with Marty due to the latter believing a lie from Jess about Summer wanting to backdoor him during week 5. She was nominated for the first time in week 7 by ally Gino alongside Moose in order to backdoor Marty but stayed on the block when Haleena won and chose not to use the Power of Veto on either nominee.

In the Triple Eviction, Summer was blindsided when her ally Josh nominated her as a pawn next to Marty and Jacey-Lynne. After failing to win the Power of Veto, Summer was left on the block. She was evicted during the Triple Eviction with no one voting to save her, and she placed 7th.


Summer Sayles Biography

Retrieved from
Name: Summer Sayles

Age: 25

Pronouns: She/Her

Zodiac: Virgo

Hometown: Toronto, Ont.

Occupation: Funemployed

Relationship Status: Single

What is your strategy going into the house?

I want to maintain strong and strategic relationships. I want to put God and myself first with every decision I make. Most importantly, I will constantly remind myself that I came to win, not to make friends.

Why do you think you were selected to be on BBCAN10?

Look at me! I am the You would be crazy if you didn’t select me.

What part of the Big Brother Canada experience do you think will be the hardest for you?

I think the hardest part of this experience will be eating slop! I love food and I get hangry easily. So, maintaining my temper while on slop will be a challenge.

How do you want people to remember you as a player on BBCAN?

I want to be remembered as a player who came to PLAY! Always ready and always on point. I also want to be remembered as a WINNER. Nothing more, nothing less!

Fill in the Blank:

My biggest pet peeve is: people who stink and people who talk a lot of nonsense (lies, gossip, etc.).

My happy place is: my happy place is within.

My biggest fear is: I believe in God. I have no fears.

My greatest strength is: my ability to adapt.

My dream vacation is: a trip around the world!

My most prized possession is: my time.

My favourite hobby is: being my best self!

Most spontaneous thing I’ve done is: I travelled all the way to Ghana for a music video.

If I could only eat one thing in the house, it would be: tacos!!!

A fact about me that surprises people is: I am a homebody! I don’t like humans…well, I like some humans.

I get along best with people who: know how to read the room and act accordingly.

My friends/family would describe me as someone who: goofy, fun-loving, caring, driven and spiritual.

A personal accomplishment I am most proud of is: obtaining my degree.

Rapid Fire (choose the answer for yourself):

Hero or villain? Hero

Competition beast or floater? Competition beast

No sleep or no food? No sleep

Intellectual skills or physical strength? Intellectual skills

Backstab your alliance or stay true to your word? Stay true to your word

Gut instinct or pure intellect? Pure intellect

Showmance or nomance? Nomance[1]

Player History - Big Brother Canada 10[]

Competition/Task History[]

Week 1 HOH Loss
POV Not Picked
Week 2 HOH Loss
POV Not Picked
Week 3 HOH Loss
POV Not Picked
Week 4 HOH Loss
POV Loss
Week 5 HOH Loss
POV Not Picked
Safety Loss
Safety Ineligible
Week 6 HOH Loss
POV Loss
Week 7 HOH Loss
POV Loss
Secret POV Loss
Week 8 HOH Loss
POV Loss
Luxury Ineligible
HOH Loss
POV Loss

Voting History[]

Week Position Voted for With Majority?
1 Melina Mansing Yes
2 Jay Northcott Yes
3 Stephanie Paterson Yes
4 Kyle Moore Yes
5 Moose Bendago No
Jess Gowling Yes
6 Hermon Nizghi Yes
7 Nominated
8 Immune Gino Giannopoulos Yes
Finale Jury Member Kevin Jacobs Yes

Post Big Brother[]



  1. Get to Know Summer Sayles. Big Brother Canada (23 February 2022). Retrieved on 23 February 2022.

External Links[]

Big Brother Canada 10 Houseguests
Canada10 Small Kevin
Canada10 Small Josh
Canada10 Small Betty
Canada10 Small Haleena
Canada10 Small Jacey-Lynne
Canada10 Small Marty
Canada10 Small Summer
Canada10 Small Gino
Canada10 Small Moose
Canada10 Small Hermon
Canada10 Small Jess
Canada10 Small Tynesha
Canada10 Small Kyle
Canada10 Small Stephanie
Canada10 Small Jay
Canada10 Small Melina