Big Brother Wiki
Sovereign Six
Sovereign Six
Alliance Profile
Big Brother 6 (US)
Members Janelle Pierzina
Howie Gordon
Rachel Plencner
Kaysar Ridha
James Rhine
Sarah Hrejsa
Defectors James Rhine
Sarah Hrejsa
Votes Against 36
HoH Wins 6 (Weeks 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 & 10)
19 (Weeks 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, Day 50,
Week 8, Day 64 & Week 11)
Veto Wins 9 (Weeks 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7,
Day 54 & Week 9)
Lowest Placing Member Sarah Hrejsa (11/14)
Highest Placing Member Janelle Pierzina (3/14)
Big Brother 7 (US)
Members Janelle Pierzina
Howie Gordon
Kaysar Ridha
James Rhine
Mike "Boogie" Malin
Will Kirby
Defectors James Rhine
Votes Against 13
HoH Wins 6 (Weeks 1, 2, 3,
4, 6 & Day 60)
Times Nominated 10 (Weeks 5, Day 48,
Weeks 8, 9 & 10)
Veto Wins 6 (Weeks 1, 5, 7,
Day 53, Weeks 8 & 9)
Lowest Placing Member Kaysar Ridha (10/14)
Highest Placing Member Janelle Pierzina (3/14)

The Sovereign Six (Also known as S6 in Season 7) was an alliance on Big Brother 6 (US) and Big Brother 7 (US).

Big Brother 6 (US)[]


Howie Gordon
James Rhine
Janelle Pierzina
Kaysar Ridha
Rachel Plencner
Sarah Hrejsa


The Sovereign Six was created in opposition to The Friendship alliance. The alliance was formed by Kaysar Ridha and later joined by Janelle Pierzina, Howie Gordon, Rachel Plencner, James Rhine, and Sarah Hrejsa beginning in Week 3 when they successfully backdoored Eric Littmann the leader of The Friendship.


The power continued to shift week by week, but ultimately the downfall of the Sovereign Six came when Maggie Ausburn convinced Howie Gordon to turn on James Rhine. Howie decided to nominate James and Sarah Hrejsa. This is known as one of the worst moves in the history of Big Brother. This forced the Sovereign Six into a minority position for the remainder of the game and gave The Friendship numbers in the jury. This caused James and Sarah to defect from the alliance and Sarah was evicted. Even with Kaysar Ridha returning to the game, the alliance still remained a minority.


The power continued to change week by week and Janelle Pierzina was able to be the last remaining Sovereign Six member left in the house making it to the final 3. Janelle planned to bring Ivette Corredero to the finals over Maggie Ausburn. Janelle’s plan could’ve resulted in her winning the game. Janelle would get the jury votes of Howie, Rachel Plencner, April Lewis (despite being a member of the opposing alliance revealed post-season she would’ve voted Janelle over Ivette in a final 2) and likely James. On Finale Night, Janelle failed to win the final HOH and was evicted after Ivette cast the sole vote to evict her on her, placing 3rd and becoming the 7th member of the jury.

Big Brother 7 (US)[]


Howie Gordon
James Rhine
Janelle Pierzina
Kaysar Ridha


Mike "Boogie" Malin
Will Kirby


The Sovereign Six was revived in Big Brother 7 (US) when members Janelle, Howie, Kaysar, and James all returned to the Big Brother House. This time, the alliance was mainly known as the Season 6 Alliance. The four members of the Sovereign alliance enjoyed a power run for the first 4 weeks as Janelle, James, and Kaysar managed to win the first 4 HOH competitions, but their power soon faded after Danielle Reyes won during the fifth week and backdoored Kaysar. Of the revived members of the Sovereign Alliance, Howie was the only member to not finish the season in the same place that he finished the previous season.


The Sovereign alliance again began to fracture during Week 4. Janelle had acquired her second HoH win when James had asked Janelle to nominate a member of the Chilltown alliance, Janelle refused. Prior to Janelle's HoH win James had against his wishes nominated houseguest Jase Wirey as a replacement nominee during his HoH week. The decision was what the majority of the Sovereign alliance wanted. James agreed to do so only if the next time his alliance won the HoH they were to nominate either Mike "Boogie" Malin, or Will Kirby. Janelle as the preceding HoH nominated Mike but when Mike had won the PoV James wanted Janelle to nominate Will to ensure Will's departure. Janelle however, declined and instead nominated fellow houseguest Diane for eviction. Feeling betrayed James started a new alliance with houseguests Danielle, Mike, and Will entitled The Legion of Doom. Kaysar, Howie and James were evicted throughout the next 3 of 4 weeks. Janelle went on a comp run throughout the game and made it to the final 3 once again. On Finale Night, Mike won the final HOH and cast the sole vote to evict her on her, placing 3rd once again.


  • Both times this alliance appeared:
    • Janelle reached the final three and was the highest placing member of the alliance.
    • Kaysar was evicted right before the jury started forming.
    • James placed 7th.
  • This is the first alliance in Big Brother history to win the first 8 Power of Veto competitions (In Big Brother 6)
Big Brother 6 (US) Alliances
JaysarSovereign SixThe Friendship
Big Brother 7 (US) Alliances
ChilltownJaysarMr. and Mrs. Smith AllianceSovereign SixThe Legion of Doom