Big Brother Wiki

Sarah Beth Steagall was a houseguest on Big Brother 23 (US).

A member of the dominant Kings, Sarah Beth had difficulty having her voice be heard early on. While she made an incredibly close connection with Kyland Young early on, it wasn’t as easy on her Kings team. When her quartet gained power at Christian Birkenberger’s Head of Household, she made a push to go after Hannah Chaddha, with whom she felt being a stealth threat for the endgame. Unfortunately, the vote didn't go her way after a couple of arguments with her teammate Xavier Prather, who was part of the secret Cookout alliance with Hannah.

This led to Sarah Beth being on the Cookout’s radar, especially Tiffany Mitchell’s. With the possibility of throwing the entire game off-balance for the Cookout as she won the HOH competition on Day 44, Kyland was able to get in her ear and convinced her to backdoor Derek Xiao for being a competition threat and getting revenge on Derek X. when he nominated her a couple of weeks prior, which became successful.

This proved to be her undoing as when Derek X.’s allies won all of the competitions the following week, Sarah Beth was targeted for eviction by Tiffany, who won HOH but was dethroned because of the Coin of Destiny twist, and Claire Rehfuss, the Coin of Destiny winner and the replacement HOH of that week, who kept the nominations the same. Unable to win the Power of Veto competition, Sarah Beth became more emotionally distraught after realizing that she had no chance of staying any longer as the POV holder Hannah Chaddha decided not to use the veto on her.

She was evicted by a 5-1 vote, placing 9th and becoming the 3rd member of the Jury.


Sarah Beth Steagall Biography

Sarah Steagall
Age: 27
Hometown: Boiling Springs, South Carolina
Current City: Ft. Myers, Florida
Occupation: Forensic Scientist

Three words that describe you: Sweet, quirky, and self-driven.

Favorite activities: Shopping, partying with friends, reading manga/watching anime, sewing, and singing.

Who are your favorite Houseguest duos? Those who became best friends in the Big Brother house or had a showmance?
Frank and Bridgette, Britney and Ian.

What are you most excited about living inside the Big Brother house?
I’m really looking forward to interacting with the cameras and venting in the Diary Room!

What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house?
I’ve heard the house is really cold and has an ant problem. The only thing I hate more than being cold is dealing with ants!

What is your favorite past moment on Big Brother?
Everything Zach Rance did on BB16.

What is your strategy for winning the game?
I plan to float! I want to make everyone around me feel at ease and convince them I’m a non-threatening, loyal person. Once they realize I’m only playing for myself, hopefully it’ll be too late to stop me.

My life’s motto is…
“Life is chaotic and mostly out of your control, so just do your best!”

What would you take into the house and why?
-An mp3 player with all my favorite songs, because I’ll miss having music in my life.
-Chewing gum, because it helps me concentrate.
-Japanese language textbooks, because I’ve been studying really hard and I don’t want to forget anything while I’m away.

Fun facts about yourself:
-I had a severe speech impediment and was unable to communicate clearly until I was seven years old.
-I am a horrendous cook. As a chemist, I’m pretty ashamed that I can’t figure it out. Even if I follow a recipe, somehow it always turns out wrong.
-I have a crippling phobia of moths/butterflies. I despise them and would kill them off if I could, regardless of the effects on the ecosystem.
-I really like to cosplay, and because of that I’ve become quite the seamstress. I can also style wigs, make jewelry, and create prop armor/weapons.
-Despite being a forensic chemist, I’ve never seen Dexter or Breaking Bad.[1]

Player History - Big Brother 23 (US)[]

Competition History[]

Week 1 HOH Part 1 Loss
HOH Part 2 Ineligible
HOH Part 3 Ineligible
Wildcard Not Selected
POV Not Picked
Week 2 HOH Loss
Wildcard Win
POV Not Picked
Week 3 HOH Loss
Wildcard On Immune Team
POV Not Picked
Week 4 HOH Loss
Wildcard On Immune Team
POV Not Picked
Week 5 HOH Loss
POV Loss
Week 6 HOH Loss
High Roller On the Board
POV Not Picked
POV Bet Loss
Week 7 HOH Win
High Roller Ineligible
POV Loss
Week 8 HOH Previous HOH
High Roller Ineligible
HOH Coin Toss Ineligible
POV Loss

Have/Have-Not History[]

Week 1 Have-Not
Week 2 Have
Week 3 Have
Week 4 Have
Week 5 Have
Week 6 Have
Week 7 Have
Week 8 Have

BB Bucks History[]

Beg. Bal Gain/Loss End Bal.
Week 1 Twist Not Active
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6 0 +50 -50 =0
Week 7 0 +50 -0 =50
Week 8 50 +50 =100
100 +100 -0 =200
  • After the conclusion of the Week 8 Head of Household competition, all houseguests randomly chose an envelope to open after receiving their weekly payment from America. In addition to the 50 BB Bucks from America, the envelope granted Sarah Beth 100 BB Bucks.

Voting History[]

Week Position Voted for With Majority?
1 Travis Long Yes
2 Wildcard Frenchie French Yes
3 Team Immunity Brent Champagne Yes
4 Team Immunity Whitney Williams Yes
5 Nominated
6 Britini D'Angelo Yes
8 Nominated
Finale Jury Member Xavier Prather Yes

HOH History[]

Original Nominees Post-Roulette Nominees Post-Veto Nominees Intended Target
Week 7
Xavier Prather
Derek Xiao
Derek X

Post Big Brother[]



  1. Sarah Beth Steagall. CBS (1 July 2021). Retrieved on 1 July 2021.
Big Brother 23 (US) Houseguests
BB23 Xavier Small
BB23 Derek F Small
BB23 Azah Small
BB23 Kyland Small
BB23 Hannah Small
BB23 Tiffany Small
BB23 Alyssa Small
BB23 Claire Small
BB23 Sarah Small
Sarah Beth
BB23 Derek X Small
BB23 Britini Small
BB23 Christian Small
BB23 Whitney Small
BB23 Brent Small
BB23 Frenchie Small
BB23 Travis Small