Rockstar was a loyal member of the FOUTTE alliance, which was permanently relegated to the minority after the defection of Kaitlyn Herman. During Week 3, Rockstar developed a rivalry with Brett Robinson when he falsely accused her of wanting to flip the vote to save him right before the eviction took place. Despite getting nominated in Week 4, she managed to escape eviction. While she was nominated again in Week 6, she escaped eviction for a second time as she was seen as less of a threat than Bayleigh Dayton. Despite her closest ally, Haleigh Broucher, becoming Head of Household in Week 7, Level Six member Kaycee Clark won the Hacker Competition and put her on the block as an easy target. Rockstar then infamously gave an answer to Level Six member Tyler Crispen during the OTEVPower of Veto competition, causing him to defeat her and her allies. She remained on the block and was evicted in a 5-1 vote, only gaining the vote of her ally, Scottie Salton, as Faysal Shafaat's vote was cancelled by the Hacker. She came in 10th place and became the second member of the jury.
Rockstar giving the answer to Tyler during OTEV is infamously considered one of the worst moves in Big Brother history.
Age: 34 Hometown: Columbia, MD Current city: Columbia, MD Occupation: Stay-at-home mom Three adjectives that describe you: Eclectic, entertaining, and magical. Favorite activities: Reading, writing, and dancing under the moonlight around a fire to fierce drum beats. What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house?
I never hear music on the show in the house and I live for music, to the point where I won't work at a place that does not play music. Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most?
I really like Joey Van Pelt from Season 16, but she did not last very long. She was super cute and had the idea of female empowerment, but showed her cards way too soon. So, I guess Frankie Grande, from Season 16. He was colorful, fun, everywhere in everyone's business, and he always had glitter. Do you have a strategy for winning the game?
You have ride the middle for a few weeks, do well enough in competitions to not be first out, but don't win the HOH too soon and get blood on your hands. You have to be friendly to everyone but listen to everything said and pay attention. Also, spot potential allies early, but do not make allegiances too quickly. Pull out tricks from Dale Carnegie's How To Win Friends And Influence People. Try and play an honest game, but be adaptable and if you have to stretch the truth in your favor, do it. There is a lot on the line. My life's motto is...
No one makes it out of this life alive so laugh, party, and try and make others feel good along the journey. What would you take into the house and why?
A statue of Ganesh, Elephant God remover of obstacles.
Some sage to burn to remove the bad juju from all the shade thrown around the house.
A variety of crystals to use for different power purposes.
Fun facts about yourself:
I worked for a traveling petting zoo and performed with the animals.
I have a turtle that is 24 years old.
A unicorn walked me down the aisle during my wedding.
On October 20, 2018, Rockstar got engaged to her boyfriend, Chris.[3]
During the run of Big Brother 21 (US), Rockstar started a show on the TVCO app, called The Angela Rockstar Show, in which she would discuss the season with various guests.[4]
She almost won the OTEVPower of Veto competition in Week 7 but infamously gave Tyler Crispen the answer when he brought back the wrong one in the semifinal round, allowing him to go back. Then in the final round, she was the one who brought back the incorrect answer, allowing Tyler to win the veto.