Big Brother Wiki

Reilly Smedley was a houseguest on Big Brother 25 (US).

Reilly was the very first Head of Household of the season and used her power to form alliances with many of the houseguests, including her main sub-alliance, The Handful, and her larger alliance, Family Style. Reilly targeted Kirsten Elwin for eviction, as Kirsten had been a social pariah and an easy target. Later, Kirsten was evicted by a vote of 13-0.

After Hisam Goueli won Head of Household in Week 2, he set his target on Reilly. He discovered that Reilly had not included him in any of her plans the previous week and recalled a conversation where Reilly confirmed Hisam could have been a backdoor target. Hisam placed Reilly on the block alongside Cameron Hardin, and after winning the Power of Veto, he left the nominations the same. However, Hisam’s speech at the veto meeting angered many of the houseguests, leaving an opening for Reilly.

After talking to Cirie Fields, Reilly leveraged her strong relationship with Cirie to convince her to consider flipping the votes and targeting Hisam. Initially, Cirie was receptive to the idea and began gathering the votes to make the flip happen. However, after Cory Wurtenberger and Jared Fields expressed reluctance and Cameron had a good conversation with Cirie, she backed down and let the votes fall back onto Reilly. Knowing her fate was sealed, Reilly instructed her allies to vote her out. Ultimately, Reilly was evicted by a vote of 12-0, placing 15th.


Reilly Smedley Biography

Retrieved from
Age: 24
Hometown: Portland, ME
Current City: Nashville, TN
Occupation: Bartender

How does it feel to be on the 25th season of Big Brother?
I can't even believe I'm here in general. Like, this isn't real life. I keep pinching myself and I'm not waking up. So I'm assuming this is real. I'm super excited to be here. I'm honored that I was chosen to do this. And it's historical and the 25th season. This is awesome.

What twists do you think are happening in Big Brother 25?
I'm terrified. What are they going to do to me? Have mercy on me! Please, I beg you. I have no idea. But that's the beauty of it. You literally never know what to expect. And I am so excited to embrace that. It's gonna be crazy.

Why did you decide you wanted to play Big Brother?
I think that I bring a certain flavor that is not so commonly seen on here. I have a lot to me that a lot of people just don't know, and I'm excited to share that with the houseguests and with America. I definitely am kind of all over the place. I'm a natural-born spaz. And I just think it's my life in general, I feel like I should have my own TV show sometimes, because everything is all over the place and crazy. But it's gonna be great. You guys get to watch and I might be crying at one point and then rolling around in the mud. You never know.

What's your experience watching Big Brother?
I am a huge fan of Big Brother, I always have been. My family dedicates a whole summer to the show. We're not even kidding. It's very intense in my house. I just love the show. I love the concept. It's so exciting and fun, and a really good thing to watch and see people do. And I just have always wondered what it would be like to be part of it. And now I'm here and I cannot wait.

What are your thoughts on Julie Chen Moonves as a host?
Julie, I mean, I feel like I don't even have to say it. Julie is just perfect and an angel and so beautiful. I just look up to her so much. She's just a staple in the show and in life. I just love Julie. She's awesome. She's great. I can't wait to meet her.

What is your strategy going into the game?
I think my strategy going into this house is just really going to be embracing my situational awareness and just keeping my head on a swivel. Staying on my toes, because you really never know what to expect. I feel like when you make a plan to do something, oftentimes it doesn't really turn out how it's supposed to. So I think just adapting to whatever's happening in front of me and not floating are going to be my two big key strategies here in the Big Brother house.

How much will you hide about yourself during your time in the house?
So I don't really have a secret to keep. I'm pretty much an open book. And, honestly, even if I was to keep a secret, I would probably accidentally blurt it out anyway. So I think I'd be pretty open.

What makes you most nervous about being in the Big Brother house?
I think it's just all brand new. This is a totally crazy once-in-a-lifetime type of situation where you're just kind of planted in this isolated house with random strangers and you just have to figure it out. And so that's one of those things that's super uncomfortable. But at the same time, I'm super used to being in uncomfortable situations and just embracing it and figuring it out. So I think we'll be okay.[1]

Player History - Big Brother 25 (US)[]

Competition History[]

Week 1 Nomination Safe
POV Loss
Week 2 HOH Previous HOH
POV Loss

Have/Have-Not History[]

Week 1 Have
Week 2 Have

Voting History[]

Week Position Voted for With Majority?
2 Nominated

HOH History[]

Original Nominees Post-Save Nominees Post-Veto Nominees Intended Target
Week 1
Cory Wurtenberger
Felicia Cannon
Jared Fields
Kirsten Elwin
Kirsten Elwin

Post Big Brother[]


  • Reilly's birthday was on the same day that Big Brother 25 (US) premiered.
  • Reilly is the first HOH to save nominees (without the Power of Veto), rather than nominating them.


Big Brother 25 (US) Houseguests
US25 Small Jag
US25 Small Matt
US25 Small Bowie Jane
US25 Small Felicia
US25 Small Cirie
US25 Small America
US25 Small Blue
US25 Small Cory
US25 Small Cameron
US25 Small Mecole
US25 Small Jared
US25 Small Izzy
US25 Small Red
US25 Small Hisam
US25 Small Reilly
US25 Small Kirsten
US25 Small Luke