Big Brother Wiki

Michael "Red" Utley was a houseguest on Big Brother 25 (US).

A relatively quiet player, Red would align with a powerful player and personality in Cameron Hardin to form The Chillers alliance. Week 4 would see Cameron win Head of Household and Red win the Power of Veto, but would end in a reset due to Matt Klotz's BB Power of Invincibility saving Jag Bains from eviction. When nominated the following week alongside Jag, Red would seem safe until a flip initiated by The Fields alliance would result in Red being evicted by a vote of 8-2. He placed 13th.


Red Utley Biography

Retrieved from
Age: 37
Hometown: Gatlinburg, TN
Occupation: Sales

How does it feel to be on the 25th season of Big Brother?
Being a part of Big Brother 25, I'm actually elated. It's something you watch on TV, and you can sit down and you can holler this and holler out about what you're going to do. I get an opportunity to actually get to test that, instead of saying, "Well, this is what I would do." I get to be the one making those decisions and that is exciting.

What twists do you think are happening in Big Brother 25?
As far as what Big Brother might have in store for me, all I know is to expect the unexpected. Having watched all the other seasons, that's the one true constant. You never know what's going to happen. And that's kind of what I love about it. The possibility of the unknown intrigues me.

Why did you decide you wanted to play Big Brother?
I think being on Big Brother gave me a chance, an opportunity, not only to financially get a leg up in life, but also just a chance to prove to myself that I can do something that's this challenging. I mean, it isn't just some TV show, Big Brother is mentally and physically very, very challenging. And for me, just to put myself through that test, to show for even myself, not just my kids, that I can do it, is something big for me.

What's your experience watching Big Brother?
Well, I mean, I'll be honest. I wouldn't call myself a superfan. I watched it when it first come out and I watched it pretty religiously with my family because back then you didn't have TiVo or anything like that. When it comes on, the family gathered around, you pop the popcorn, Big Brother and Survivor was what's gonna be on TV. A Now you've got a stream and such like that. So for me, I stay busy. I stay outside, doing that kind of thing. So TV is just something I watch every evening. So it's extremely special to me to be able to come onto a show that was such a big part of my childhood.

So I had recently got back into watching Big Brother. And I'm definitely a big fan. But I wouldn't call myself a superfan. I classify a superfan as somebody who knows all the ins and the outs, that is writing things down and overpreparing for the thing. I'm wanting to basically fly by the seat of my pants. I would call myself a big fan. Maybe not a super fan, but a big fan.

What are your thoughts on Julie Chen Moonves as a host?
I can't wait to meet the beautiful Miss Julie. That woman has such style and charisma and she's really awesome. She makes the show, honestly. You gotta have a good host for a good show. And I think she definitely fits the bill, and I can't wait to meet her.

What is your strategy going into the game?
I think my strategy going into the Big Brother game is to develop a strategy as I go. I don't think you can go in there with any one plan. I mean, you can have plans A through Z. But when you get in there, all that changes. The beauty of Big Brother is that you expect the unexpected, and if you cannot adapt. There ain't nothing you can really do to prepare yourself for what they're gonna throw at you. So I'm going to prepare myself to adapt.

How much will you hide about yourself during your time in the house?
I might not tell people my initial profession right out of the gate, just as far as a salesperson, just because I think sales are associated with a little bit of a command and manipulation and that kind of thing. So I may go in there with a little bit of a different profession. I haven't decided whether or not I'm gonna let them know how old I am yet.[1]

Player History - Big Brother 25 (US)[]

Competition History[]

Week 1 Nomination Safe
HOH Loss
POV Not Picked
Week 2 HOH Loss
POV Not Picked
Week 3 HOH Loss
POV Loss
Week 4 HOH Loss
Invincibility Ineligible
Week 5 HOH Loss
POV Loss

Have/Have-Not History[]

Week 1 Have
Week 2 Have
Week 3 Have-Not
Week 4 Have
Week 5 Have

Voting History[]

Week Position Voted for With Majority?
1 Kirsten Elwin Yes
2 Reilly Smedley Yes
3 Hisam Goueli Yes
4 POV Holder Jag Bains Yes
5 Nominated

Post Big Brother[]



Big Brother 25 (US) Houseguests
US25 Small Jag
US25 Small Matt
US25 Small Bowie Jane
US25 Small Felicia
US25 Small Cirie
US25 Small America
US25 Small Blue
US25 Small Cory
US25 Small Cameron
US25 Small Mecole
US25 Small Jared
US25 Small Izzy
US25 Small Red
US25 Small Hisam
US25 Small Reilly
US25 Small Kirsten
US25 Small Luke