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Olivia Young is the runner-up of Big Brother 20 (UK).


Olivia Young Biography

Retrieved from
What made you apply to be a Big Brother housemate?

I grew up watching the show and I've always said if it ever comes back, I want to do it. I just think I fit the brief because I've got personality to sell and this is the best place for it.

What part of the experience are you most looking forward to?

The fact that it’s gonna be like being in a completely alternate universe. It’s a totally surreal experience. I like to meet people, I’m quite a social being. I think just the overall experience of getting to disappear for a few weeks and take part in something that's so excluded from normal day to day life.

How would your friends and family describe you?

Loud, confident, annoying. I'm the type of person who is up for anything. I'm the life and soul of the party. I’m that friend who people invite to things because at least I'll be fun. They know that they're guaranteed a good night if I'm there.

Tell us an interesting fact about yourself...

I’ve got a fear of jam.

What are you most likely to get nominated for?

I think when people are in that hangry state, that's when I'll wind people up and grind their gears. I think they'll nominate me for being full on, and for my brutal honesty and oversharing of opinions.

What would you do with the prize money if you won?

I want a new car. I’m an idiot with money, so I'd probably put it somewhere safe where I can only access a small amount or else it will all be gone within the first 24 hours.

Who would be your dream celebrity to live with?

Alison Hammond.[1]

Player's History - Big Brother 20 (UK)[]

Task/Competition History[]

Week 1 Secret Mission Passed
Luxury Loss
Shopping Task Passed
Week 2 Secret Mission Ineligible
Shopping Task Failed
Daily Task Passed
Week 3 Shopping Task Failed
Luxury Win
Luxury Loss
Week 4 Daily Task Passed
Shopping Task Passed
Secret Mission Ineligible
Luxury Win
Secret Mission Ineligible
Week 5 Safety Loss
Luxury Loss
Shopping Task Passed
Daily Task Passed
Luxury Loss
Luxury Loss
Week 6 Daily Task Passed
Secret Mission Ineligible
Daily Task Passed
Luxury Loss

Shopping Budget History[]

Week 1 Luxury Budget
Week 2 Economy Budget
Week 3 Economy Budget
Week 4 Luxury Budget
Week 5 Luxury Budget
Week 6 Shopping Budget Phase Over

Nominations History[]

Week Nominated Nominated By Final Position
1 Farida Khalifa Jenkin Edwards Saved
2 Matty Simpson
Henry Southan
Matty Simpson
Zak Srakaew
3 Dylan Tennant
Matty Simpson
Matty Simpson
4 Ineligible
Noky Simbani
Trish Balusa
Trish Balusa
Noky Simbani
Matty Simpson
5 Banned
Henry Southan
Jordan Sangha
Matty Simpson
6 Matty Simpson
Jordan Sangha
Jordan Sangha
Matty Simpson
No Nominations Nominated
No Nominations Runner-Up

Post Big Brother[]



  1. Big Brother: Meet Olivia (8 October 2023). Retrieved on 8 October 2023.
Big Brother 20 (UK) Housemates
UK20 Small Jordan
UK20 Small Olivia
UK20 Small Henry
UK20 Small Yinrun
UK20 Small Noky
UK20 Small Matty
UK20 Small Jenkin
UK20 Small Tom
UK20 Small Trish
UK20 Small Chanelle
UK20 Small Dylan
UK20 Small Paul
UK20 Small Kerry
UK20 Small Hallie
UK20 Small Zak
UK20 Small Farida