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Mercédesz "Merci" Balázs was a finalist on Való Világ 10.


Merci Balázs Biography
Retrieved and Translated from

Full name: Mercédesz Balázs
Age: 19 years old
Place of birth: Esztergom
Marital status: single
Education: vocational training
Occupation: salesman, but carpenter in her original profession
Number of children: no children
Height: 164 cm
Body weight: 50 kg
Phobias: afraid of the dark and snakes
Personal object: a pillow she got from her mom
Ideal: she likes kneaded, tall, tattooed guys
What else you should know about it:
She was raised by her grandmother, for whom she is the real woman
She has been living alone since she was 17 years old
She danced competitively[1]

Player's History - Való Világ 10[]

Nominations History[]

Week Nominated Nominated By Final Position
1 No Nominations Nominated
2 Bálint Filipánics
4 Gábor Kazári
6 Amanda Fazekas Challenged
7 Gina Fehér Ineligible
9 Renátó Bakonyi Virág Ledneczky
11 Virág Ledneczky Virág Ledneczky
13 Virág Ledneczky Bálint Filipánics
Virág Ledneczky
Vivi Szilágyi
14 Dani Kovács Bálint Filipánics
15 Robi Ollári Vivi Szilágyi
Vivi Szilágyi
No Nominations Third Place



  1. VV Merci (in Hungarian) (12 November 2020). Retrieved on 12 November 2020.
Való Világ 10 Housemates
VV10 Small Vivi
VV10 Small Robi
VV10 Small Merci
VV10 Small Moh
VV10 Small Bálint
VV10 Small Dani
VV10 Small Virág
VV10 Small Fru
VV10 Small Renátó
VV10 Small Gina
VV10 Small Amanda
VV10 Small Gábor
VV10 Small Digo
VV10 Small Mercédesz
Third Place