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Menderes Bağcı was a finalist on Promi Big Brother 10.


Menderes Bağcı Biography

Retrieved and Translated from Sat.1
Why are you participating in "Celebrity Big Brother"?

Menderes: A good question (laughs). It's a challenge for me and I like to try new things. It's been a while since the Australian jungle and I thought about that for a long time. But it's just nice when you get the opportunity to prove yourself and to surpass yourself. I see it as a challenge. Not only in the games, but also personally: you have to integrate into a community and support each other.

What will be the biggest challenge for you?

That you have to live with strangers in a small space and get along with each other. Having no privacy isn't going to be easy for me. Because not only the cameras are watching you, but also your roommates. And privately I just spend a lot of time alone with myself. But I hope that after the initial difficulties I will warm up.

24 hours under camera surveillance: In which situation would you rather be unobserved?

In the shower (laughs). And when I need distance and a place of retreat. Therein lies the art of dealing with this situation.

What do you need in everyday life to feel good?

I'm fine with a little and don't need a lot. I don't have any extravagant wishes either (laughs). For example, music is very important to me.

What drives you crazy?

What really annoys me is injustice when it's not fair and someone is disadvantaged. Or when prejudices arise because misunderstandings are not cleared up. When someone spreads bad vibes for no good reason. You can talk to each other about anything. I find people who are totally negative in general, who treat others badly or who seek unnecessary arguments terrifying.

What qualities do you bring to the community?

I am persistent and hardworking. And if I can help, I'll help! It doesn't matter whether it's in the household or someone needs a shoulder to lean on.

"Celebrity Big Brother" often requires teamwork. Are you an alpha animal or a follower?

I'm not really an alpha animal (laughs). But if it matters and no one else wants to, I can also take the helm. However, I am less the determiner type. But I don't want to be either. I prefer to decide things in a group.

Who or what will you miss the most?

My privacy (laughs).

How important is it to you to win "Celebrity Big Brother"?

I'm definitely ambitious and I think everyone would be happy about a win. But I don't decide about that. But I would be very happy if I could go far with the support of the spectators.[1]

Player's History - Promi Big Brother 10

Duel Arena History

Day 3 Live Duel Loss
Day 4 Live Duel Ineligible
Day 5 Live Duel Loss
Day 6 Live Duel Loss
Day 7 Live Duel Ineligible
Day 8 Live Duel Ineligible
Day 9 Live Duel Ineligible
Day 10 Live Duel Win
Day 11 Live Duel Win
Day 12 Live Match Ineligible
Day 13 Live Duel Loss
Day 15 Live Duel Loss
Live Duel Ineligible
Day 16 Live Duel Ineligible
Day 17 Live Duel Loss
Live Duel Ineligible
Day 18 Live Duel Win
Day 19 Live Duel Win
Live Duel Ineligible
Day 20 Live Duel Win
Day 21 Live Duel Loss
Live Duel Ineligible
Day 22 Live Duel Loss

House History

Day 1 Garage
Day 2 Garage
Day 3 Garage
Day 4 Garage
Day 5 Garage
Day 6 Loft
Day 7 Attic
Day 8 Attic
Day 9 Attic
Day 10 Garage
Day 11 Garage
Day 12 Garage
Day 13 Garage
Day 14 Loft
Day 15 Garage
Day 16 Garage
Day 17 Garage
Day 18 Garage
Day 19 Garage
Day 20 Garage
Day 21 Loft
Day 22 Loft

Nominations History

Day Nominated Nominated By Final Position
9 No Nominations Immune
11 Walentina Doronina
13 Ineligible
Sam Dylan
14 Sam Dylan
15 Ineligible
17 Ineligible
18 Katy Karrenbauer
Doreen Steinert
19 No Nominations Immune
20 3-Katy Karrenbauer
21 Ineligible
22 No Nominations Fourth Place

Post Big Brother



  1. "Promi Big Brother" 2022: Menderes im Porträt – Das musst du über die "DSDS"-Legende wissen (in German) (11 November 2022). Retrieved on 11 November 2022.
Promi Big Brother 10 Housemates
Promi10 Small Rainer
Promi10 Small Micaela
Promi10 Small Sam
Promi10 Small Menderes
Promi10 Small Jay
Promi10 Small Katy
Promi10 Small Jennifer
Promi10 Small Doreen
Promi10 Small Tanja
Promi10 Small Jörg K
Promi10 Small Walentina
Promi10 Small Catrin
Promi10 Small Jörg D
Promi10 Small Diana
Promi10 Small Jeremy
Promi10 Small Patrick