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Big Brother Wiki
Lucky Houses
Team Profile
Pinoy Big Brother 7
Lowest Placing Member Aura Azarcon (12th/12th)
Highest Placing Member Tanner Mata (5th/12th)

The Lucky Houses was one of the three teams that made up Pinoy Big Brother 7's Dream Team.

The Lucky Houses consisted of Tanner Mata, Aura Azarcon Jerome Alecre and Cora Waddell. They are the adult housemates who entered the house on the third chapter of the season, and managed to take the Lucky House slots.


Just like the Lucky Stars and the Lucky Suns, there are four different competitions that is reserved for each slot in the Lucky Houses but one of the first step for being eligible for a slot is to survive and be part of the Lucky 7 Housemates. Once a Lucky 7 housemate, they must win the four types of competition, the Big Jump Competition, the Public Voting, the Lucky Chosen Housemate, the 4th Lucky Spot Competition in order to achieve a slot.

  • 1st Lucky House Slot: The first Lucky House is reserved for the Big Jump winner.
  • 2nd Lucky House Slot: The second Lucky House is reserved for the housemate chosen by the public.
  • 3rd Lucky House Slot: The third Lucky House is reserved for the Lucky Adult Housemate chosen by the Lucky 7 Teen Housemates.
  • 4th Lucky House Slot: The fourth Lucky House is reserved for the Wildcard Adult Housemate that wins the 4th Lucky Spot Competition.

Color and Emblem[]

The edition's official color in Pinoy Big Brother 7 is color green, as seen in their Lucky Jackets. The Emblem is a House, which symbolizes the strength of the adults. It's known that the Civilian Adults have the largest population in the workforce and they are known to provide the basic needs of their family, just like what a House does to all people.

Another reason for choosing a "house" as an emblem for the Civilians is because of the fact that the Civilian Edition is considered as the original edition of Pinoy Big Brother, hence seeing a green silhouette of Pinoy Big Brother House during the opening intro of the Dream Team Chapter.

Throughout the series, the logo has appeared corresponding to the Adult Housemates. On the Dream Team, the Emblem has merged together with the emblems of the Lucky Stars and the Lucky Suns to form the Dream Team Emblem, signifying the unification of the entire 7th Season.

The Lucky Sun Members[]

PBB7DT Tanner Small
5th Place
PBB7DT Aura Small
12th Place
PBB7DT Jerome Small
11th Place
PBB7DT Cora Small
7th Place


Adult History[]

Wildcard Housemate - 4th Lucky Spot Competition

A fourth slot was revealed during the live premiere episode of the Dream Team Chapter where evicted housemates on their respective editions would compete against each other to re-enter back to the game and complete Big Brother's Dream Team.

The evicted Adult Civilian Housemates who finished in 5th and 4th place respectively in their chapter were brought back to the house together with other 5th and 4th place finishers in other chapters for the three teams' 4th Lucky Slots.

The Wildcard Adult Civilian Housemates were Cora Waddell and Baninay Bautista and they competed against each other for the final Lucky House slot for the Dream Team.

Despite the advantage of Baninay for having almost half assistance as Cora's, it was Cora who managed to collect the largest amount of water at 40.5 cm, with just 1 cm higher than Baninay's who got 39.5 cm. As a result, Cora became the 4th Lucky House Finalist and the last housemate to be part of the Dream Team finally completing the list.

Dream Team History[]


  • Being the third chapter and the last chapter before the Dream Team, the Lucky House members except Cora Waddell didn't have a temporary exit unlike the Lucky Stars and the Lucky Suns did when their edition ended. Instead, the Lucky House members were tasked by Big Brother to welcome the two teams' re-entry by organizing slumber party held in the activity area. Altogether, they celebrated the beginning of the Dream Team chapter on Day 176.
  • Two of its Lucky Houses were the first evictees. They were evicted consecutively from Week 28 up to Week 30, starting with Aura Azarcon, followed by Jerome Alarce.
Pinoy Big Brother 7 - The Dream Teams