Big Brother Wiki

This article is about the Contestant from Big Brother Canada 10. For the Season 9 Contestant,
see Kyle Moore (Canada 9).

Kyle Moore was a houseguest on Big Brother Canada 10.

Kyle began the game in a strong position. He had close bonds with Gino Giannopoulos and Marty Frenette, while also being a part of the majority Savage Seven alliance and having The Retreat as extra security. In Week 2, Kyle clashed with Jay Northcott over their suspicions of him being behind their nomination, although it did not cause any impactful damage to his game. In Week 3, he became Head of Household. Kyle’s desire to make a big move, along with his paranoia, turned an easy week into one of the worst HOH reigns in Big Brother history. After a fight in the HOH room, Kyle decided to nominate his college classmate Moose Bendago and loyal ally Stephanie Paterson for eviction. During all this, he also decided to tell the whole house about The Savage Seven and his pregame connection to Moose. After his target Moose won the Power of Veto, Kyle scrambled to figure out who the replacement nominee should be. Eventually, Marty is able to convince him to target Josh Nash. At the Veto Ceremony, Kyle shocked and angered the house when he nominated Josh. His erratic and arrogant actions made it very easy for the house to go against his wishes. On Eviction Night, Kyle was blindsided by a staggering 9-2 vote to evict Stephanie.

After the Live Eviction, Kyle and his two remaining allies Gino and Jacey-Lynn Graham are confused and are all thinking one of them flipped, only for Marty to eventually admit to betraying them. After Gino pulled out a clutch HOH win, Kyle was seemingly safe despite being the clear house target. Gino initially nominated Marty and Jess Gowling, targeting the former for voting out Stephanie. Once Marty won the POV, Gino grew more worried about his public association with Kyle and potentially being nominated next to him. This lead to Gino deciding to name Kyle as the replacement nominee. Although his fate was sealed from the moment he hit the block, Kyle did put in an effort to campaign to people. As expect however, his pitches were ineffective and he was evicted in a 10-0 vote, placing 13th.


Kyle Moore Biography

Retrieved from
Name: Kyle Moore

Age: 23

Pronouns: He/Him

Zodiac: Virgo

Hometown: Halifax, N.S.

Occupation: Podcaster

Relationship Status: Single

What is your strategy going into the house?

Originally I wanted to be overlooked in the house but I realized my skillset is better served by approaching the game like chess. Move first, attack in the middle, and castle early. I want to win the first HOH to “set the board”.

Why do you think you were selected to be on BBCAN10?

I think I was selected because of my openness and the fact I’ve very publicly embraced all of what and who I am through my advocacy for mental health.

What part of the Big Brother Canada experience do you think will be the hardest for you?

I think calling people out on their lies will be the hardest part for me. I like to take people for their word but in this game that’s not going to get you very far.

How do you want people to remember you as a player on BBCAN?

The Greatest to ever do it.

Fill in the Blank:

My biggest pet peeve is: people who chew with their mouths open.

My happy place is: an art gallery or beach.

My biggest fear is: claustrophobia or small spaces.

My greatest strength is: listening to understand and not just to respond.

My dream vacation is: a villa in Italy.

My most prized possession is: some corks I’ve collected from “wins” in my life.

My favourite hobby is: bouldering.

Most spontaneous thing I’ve done is: when a bunch of BBCAN fans thought I was Kyle from BBCAN9, I played into it and went along with the narrative.

If I could only eat one thing in the house, it would be: Pad Thai with egg and peanut sauce.

A fact about me that surprises people is: I was a radio DJ at 14.

I get along best with people who: don’t shy away from being themselves.

My friends/family would describe me as someone who: is comforting to be around. Someone you can talk to.

A personal accomplishment I am most proud of is: starting my podcast “Life’s a Wreck” back in 2019.

Rapid Fire (choose the answer for yourself):

Hero or villain? Hero

Competition beast or floater? Comp beast

No sleep or no food? No sleep

Intellectual skills or physical strength? Intellectual

Backstab your alliance or stay true to your word? True to word

Gut instinct or pure intellect? Gut instinct

Showmance or nomance? Nomance[1]

Player History - Big Brother Canada 10[]

Competition/Task History[]

Week 1 HOH Loss
POV Not Picked
Week 2 HOH Loss
POV Not Picked
Week 3 HOH Win
POV Sat Out as HOH
Week 4 HOH Previous HOH
POV Not Picked

Voting History[]

Week Position Voted for With Majority?
1 Melina Mansing Yes
2 Betty Yirsaw No
4 Post-POV Nominee

HOH History[]

Original Nominees Post-Veto Nominees Intended Target
Week 3
Stephanie Paterson

Post Big Brother[]


  • When it was announced that Ethan Quance was being dropped from the Big Brother Canada 9 cast, it was revealed that his replacement was a man named Kyle Moore. After fans searched the internet, they discovered this Kyle Moore, but it was soon revealed that they found the wrong man, and the Kyle Moore from Season 9 was a different person, with the same name. This Kyle discovered the show after many people started congratulating him on being cast, and his fame and podcast blew up within the Big Brother Twitter community because of it, even getting the nickname "Real Kyle Moore", with the other Kyle being named "Fake Kyle Moore" or "Kyle2". "Real Kyle" became a fan of the show himself once the misunderstanding cleared up, even stating his intentions to apply for Season 10 the following year if he was able to, which he did successfully.
    • Coincidentally, both Kyle Moores would end up becoming the fourth players evicted, both leaving on Day 27 of their respective seasons.
  • Kyle is the youngest houseguest on Big Brother Canada 10.
  • Kyle is the fourth Big Brother Canada contestant named Kyle to never reach the jury phase of the game.


  1. Get to Know Kyle Moore. Big Brother Canada (23 February 2022). Retrieved on 23 February 2022.

External Links[]

Big Brother Canada 10 Houseguests
Canada10 Small Kevin
Canada10 Small Josh
Canada10 Small Betty
Canada10 Small Haleena
Canada10 Small Jacey-Lynne
Canada10 Small Marty
Canada10 Small Summer
Canada10 Small Gino
Canada10 Small Moose
Canada10 Small Hermon
Canada10 Small Jess
Canada10 Small Tynesha
Canada10 Small Kyle
Canada10 Small Stephanie
Canada10 Small Jay
Canada10 Small Melina