Big Brother Wiki

Kuzivakwashe "Kuzie" Mujakachi was a houseguest on Big Brother Canada 11.

A dominant social player, Kuzie found herself in a great position early on in the game due to her strong social game and core alliance The Shady Bunch that allowed her to position herself in the center of the house. However, Kuzie’s game started to deteriorate in the jury phase of the game due to poor strategic decisions along with her losing trust with her core alliance and other houseguests. After The Girlypops went on an unexpected competition run, Kuzie’s game ended at the final seven due to The Girlypops viewing her as a major jury threat along with the primary target Ty McDonald winning the Power of Veto. Kuzie was evicted by a vote of 3-1, placing 7th, and becoming the 5th member of the jury.


Kuzie Mujakachi Biography

Retrieved from
Name: Kuzivakwashe “Kuzie” Mujakachi

Age: 29

Pronouns: She/Her

Zodiac: Virgo

Hometown: Victoria, B.C.

Occupation: 911 Operator

Relationship Status: Very single

Why do you think you were selected to be on BBCAN11?

I have good energy, good amount of intellect, and I adapt to people and situations well because of the background that I have experienced. African flavour!

What is your strategy going into the house?

Read the room and align myself with strong players and the players considered weak to keep my numbers good. Social strategy is to manipulate the vote to suit me ALWAYS and twist the truth to suit my situation.

What part of the Big Brother Canada experience do you think will be the hardest for you?

Not knowing if my instinct about a choice is correct, physical endurance tests and campaigning against my pride.

How do you want people to remember you as a player on BBCAN?

A great mind, an all-around good player, a skillful analyst, a great social player and a master manipulator.

Fill in the Blank:

My biggest pet peeve is: nasal sounds and snoring.

My happy place is: my own house with peace and quiet.

My biggest fear is: snakes and heights.

My greatest strength is: social ability.

My dream vacation is: Bahamas.

My most prized possession is: my phone.

My favourite hobby is: dancing.

Most spontaneous thing I’ve done is: auditioned for a beauty pageant.

If I could only eat one thing in the house, it would be: chicken wings.

A fact about me that surprises people is: I am very spiritual. I literally dream things and they come true!

I get along best with people who: are transparent about themselves and are kind-hearted.

My friends/family would describe me as someone who: can do almost anything.

A personal accomplishment I am most proud of is: my Miss World Zimbabwe title.

Rapid Fire:

Hero or villain? Hero

Competition beast or floater? Comp beast

No sleep or no food? No sleep

Intellectual skills or physical strength? Intellectual skills

Backstab your alliance or stay true to your word? Stay true to your word (but depends!)

Gut instinct or pure intellect? Gut instinct always

Showmance or nomance? Nomance, but I’m a sucker for love[1]

Player History - Big Brother Canada 11[]

Competition/Task History[]

Week 1 HOH Part 1 Loss
HOH Part 2 Ineligible
Nomination Ineligible
POV Not Picked
Week 2 HOH Loss
POV Loss
Week 3 HOH Win
POV Sat Out as HOH
Week 4 HOH Previous HOH
POV Not Picked
Week 5 HOH Loss
POV Not Picked
Week 6 HOH Win
Safety Ineligible
HOH Previous HOH
POV Not Picked
Week 7 HOH Loss
POV Loss

Have/Have-Not History[]

Week 1 Have
Week 2 Phase Not Active
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7

Wendy's Rewards Points History[]

Beg. Bal Gain/Loss End Bal.
Week 1 500 +100 +650 =1250
Week 2 1250 +400 +100 =1750
Week 3 1750 +500 +100 =2350
Week 4 2350 +100 =2450
Week 5 2450 +5000 +100 =7550
Week 6 7550 +500 +100 +2225 =16700
+150 +100 +6075
Week 7 16700 +5000 -21700 =0
  • Upon his eviction in Week 1, John Michael Sosa bequeathed his 650 points to Kuzie.
  • Upon her eviction in Week 6, Santina Carlson bequeathed her 2225 points to Kuzie.
  • Upon his eviction in Week 6, Hope Agbolosoo bequeathed his 6075 points to Kuzie.
  • Upon her eviction, Kuzie bequeathed her 21700 points to Ty McDonald.

Voting History[]

Week Position Voted for With Majority?
1 John Michael Sosa Yes
2 Roberto Lopez Yes
3 HOH Nominations Void
Nominations Void
4 Dan Szabo Yes
5 Jonathan Leonard Yes
Post-POV Nominee
7 Post-POV Nominee
Finale Jury Member Ty McDonald Yes

HOH History[]

Original Nominees Post-Veto Nominees Intended Target
Week 3
Vanessa MacTavish
Zach Neilson
Day 41
Santina Carlson

Post Big Brother[]

Kuzie Traitors

Kuzie's cast photo for The Traitors Canada


  • Kuzie is the only houseguest on Big Brother Canada 11 to be a replacement nominee twice.
    • Whenever she was nominated, it was always as a replacement.
  • Both times Kuzie was Head of Household, one of her original nominees was Santina Carlson.
  • Kuzie always voted with the majority.
    • All of her votes were for a man.


External Links[]

Big Brother Canada 11 Houseguests
Canada11 Small Ty
Canada11 Small Claudia
Canada11 Small Daniel
Canada11 Small Anika
Canada11 Small Renee
Canada11 Small Shanaya
Canada11 Small Kuzie
Canada11 Small Hope
Canada11 Small Santina
Canada11 Small Jonathan
Canada11 Small Dan
Canada11 Small Zach
Canada11 Small Vanessa
Canada11 Small Roberto
Canada11 Small John Michael
Canada11 Small Amal