Big Brother Wiki

Keesha Marie Smith was a houseguest on Big Brother 10 (US) and Big Brother 22 (US).

In Big Brother 10 (US), Keesha was best remembered for her confrontational personality, her close friendships with Memphis Garrett and Renny Martyn, her iconic birthday in the house where she had a fight with Jessie Godderz, and starting The Coven alliance along with Libra Thompson and April Dowling. The Coven dominated the first few weeks of the game by orchestrating Brian Hart's blindside for overplaying, and the eliminations of the two people who were linked up with him, Steven Daigle and Angie Swindell. However, after April won Head of Household, she wanted to target Keesha's friend Memphis, but Keesha and Libra grew irritated by Jessie's arrogant personality. After a fallout between her, Libra, and Jessie, Keesha and Libra flipped on April's plan, siding with Memphis' Renegades alliance in blindsiding Jessie. Keesha stuck with The Renegades as the alliance dominated the rest of the game despite losing Libra during Week 5 which put her in a strong position to win at the end. However at the Final 4, Dan Gheesling and Memphis saw Keesha as a bigger Jury threat than the sole remaining outsider Jerry MacDonald, and she was betrayed by Memphis when he cast the sole vote to evict her, making her the sixth member of the jury. Keesha also won the $25,000 America's Choice Jury Prize at the live finale.

She returned in Big Brother 22 (US) 12 years later where she reaffirmed her friendship with Memphis and aligned and even developed friendships with fellow old school players Janelle and Kaysar. Keesha was initially safe for the first few days until the Safety Suite Competition was unleashed, where HOH Cody Calafiore's initial targets Janelle and Kaysar were saved when Kaysar won the Safety Suite and saved Janelle. This caused Cody to target Keesha instead due to him not knowing who she was as a person. After failing to win the first POV of the season, Keesha did a poor job at campaigning to save herself, having Janelle and Kaysar try to campaign for her. Unfortunately, Janelle and Kaysar were unable to get the votes to save her and Keesha was evicted by a unanimous 13-0 vote, placing 16th.


Keesha Smith Biography

Retrieved from

Keesha is a blond bombshell originally from Sterling, OH. She graduated from high school and came out to Los Angeles to pursue a career in modeling. She now works at Hooters, which she loves. Keesha considers Hooters an important part of her life. She has been featured in Hooters calendars and aspires to become part of the management team. She loves animals and has a Shih Tzu named Gizzmo and is a proud member of PETA. She doesn't eat red meat, and her favorite food is pizza hands down.

She is very close with her mother and has a good relationship with her dad. Her parents are her heroes, and she describes them as strong, good people. She loves to watch baseball and like any girl, loves to shop. Her favorite movie is "Thelma and Louise," she loves "The Golden Girls" on television and likes all kinds of music.

Her proudest accomplishment is leaving home, moving to California by herself not knowing a sole [sic], and establishing a life for herself. She is most ashamed that she dated a friend's ex-boyfriend soon after their breakup while her friend was still in love with him. Her idea of the perfect day is being on the beach with a cute guy by her side. Her life's motto is that you only live once, so have some fun.

Her birth date is August 1, 1978.[1]

Retrieved from CBS
Age: 42
Hometown: Sterling, Ohio
Current city: Los Angeles
Occupation: Waitress
Previous season: Big Brother 10. Keesha was voted America's Favorite Houseguest for her season and ultimately placed fourth.
Three adjectives that describe you: Honest, committed, and empathetic.
Favorite Activities: My favorite activity is hiking.
Why do you want to play Big Brother again?
I want to play again because Big Brother is a great experience.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house?
Being away from my family will be the most difficult thing.
Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most and why?
I like Dan. He's really good at this game.
What is your strategy for winning the game?
My strategy is to lay low.
How does this strategy differ from the last time you played?
Last time I was on the show, I was caught up in a drama-fest.
Have you changed/evolved since the last time you were on the show?
I think before I speak now.
My life's motto is…
"Be kind."
What would you take into the house and why?
-My bracelet because it's from my dad.
-My rings that are from my mom, who has passed.
-My doggie.
Fun facts about yourself:
-I love to hike.
-I love animals, and I want to start an animal sanctuary with my best friend.

-I love traveling.[2]

Player History - Big Brother 10 (US)[]

Competition History[]

Week 1 HOH Not Chosen
Food Loss
POV Not Picked
Week 2 HOH Loss
Food Loss
POV Loss
Week 3 HOH Win
Food Sat Out as HOH
Week 4 HOH Previous HOH
POV Not Picked
Week 5 HOH Loss
Food Win
POV Loss
Week 6 HOH Loss
Food Win
POV Loss
Week 7 HOH Loss
POV Loss
POV Loss
Week 8 HOH Previous HOH
POV Loss
Week 9 HOH Loss
Luxury Loss
POV Loss

Voting History[]

Week Position Voted for With Majority?
1 Brian Hart Yes
2 Steven Daigle Yes
4 Jessie Godderz Yes
5 Nominated
6 April Dowling Yes
7 Michelle Costa Yes
8 Nominated
9 Post-POV Nominee
Finale Jury Member Dan Gheesling Yes
  • Note: Week 1 featured a First Impressions Vote to determine the HOH, and while not every vote was revealed, it was stated in the episode that Keesha voted for Jerry MacDonald, who received the most votes and won by plurality.

HOH History[]

Original Nominees Post-Veto Nominees Intended Target
Week 3
Angie Swindell
Day 52
Bryan Ollie

Player History - Big Brother 22 (US)[]

Competition History[]

Week 1 HOH Part 1 Loss
HOH Part 2 Ineligible
Safety Suite Sat Out
POV Loss

Have/Have-Not History[]

Week 1 Have

Voting History[]

Week Position Voted for With Majority?
1 Nominated

Post Big Brother[]


  • Keesha is the only woman on Big Brother 10 (US) to win more than one Head of Household competition during the season.
  • Keesha was the only houseguest to win the Head of Household and Power of Veto competitions in the same week on Big Brother 10 (US).
  • Keesha always voted with the majority.
  • Keesha and Michelle Costa are the only female houseguests on Big Brother 10 (US) to win both an Head of Household and a Power of Veto competition.
  • Keesha was a last-minute replacement for Kaycee Clark for Big Brother 22 who was originally on the final cast.
  • Keesha is tied with Nicole Anthony for the largest drop in placement from the last season she competed on to Big Brother 22 (US), dropping 12 placements.
  • Both times Keesha competed:
    • One of the votes to successfully eliminate her was from Memphis Garrett.
    • The Final Two are both men.
    • The winner of her season won in a unanimous vote and achieved first and second places in their two appearances.


  2. Keesha Smith. CBS Big Brother (5 August 2020). Retrieved on 5 August 2020.
  3. BB Family photo from the premiere!. Reddit (27 June 2018). Retrieved on 27 June 2018.
Preceded by
Season 9
BB9Small James
James Zinkand
America's Favorite Houseguest
Season 10
Square-Bb10 keesha
Keesha Smith
Succeeded by
Season 11
Jeff Schroeder
Big Brother 10 (US) Houseguests
Square-Bb10 memphis
Square-Bb10 jerry
Square-Bb10 keesha
Square-Bb10 renny
Square-Bb10 bryan-ollie
Square-Bb10 michelle
Square-Bb10 april
Square-Bb10 libra
Square-Bb10 jessie
Square-Bb10 angie
Square-Bb10 steven-daigle
Square-Brian Hart
Big Brother 22 (US) Houseguests
BB22 Small Cody
BB22 Small Enzo
BB22 Small Nicole F
BB22 Small Christmas
BB22 Small Memphis
BB22 Small Tyler
BB22 Small Dani
BB22 Small David
BB22 Small Kevin
BB22 Small Da'Vonne
BB22 Small Ian
BB22 Small Bayleigh
BB22 Small Kaysar
BB22 Small Janelle
BB22 Small Nicole A
BB22 Small Keesha