Big Brother Wiki

Joshuah Welch was a houseguest on Big Brother 9 (US).

A strong social player, being the last houseguest nominated on the season, Joshuah was remembered for his friendship with Sharon Obermueller, secret deal with Ryan Quicksall, and his fights with Allison Nichols and Amanda Hansen. After the target James Zinkand won the Power of Veto in week seven, Joshuah was left nominated against Sharon and was evicted by a vote of 3-1, placing 7th and becoming the third member of the jury.


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Advertising Media Buyer
Dallas, TX

Joshuah is a gay man currently living in Dallas, Texas. He has a bachelor’s degree in advertising, with a business minor, from the University of Texas at Austin.

Joshuah came out when he was 18 years old. He says he was a gay man who played straight growing up, playing football and having long term relationships with women. Things changed when he slept with his sister’s cheerleading coach--ruining her cheering career--and claims that his family has never forgiven him. He’s a bit of an exhibitionist, currently considers himself to be a bisexual and doesn’t care what people think of him.

Football is his favorite sport. He played from the 4th to the 12th grades in school and loves watching college football. His has a huge fear of snakes and thinks they are the spawn of Satan.

His birth date is June 3, 1982.[1]

Player History - Big Brother 9[]

Competition History[]

Week 1 Power Couple Loss
Co-HOH Loss
Co-POV Not Picked
Week 2 Co-HOH Loss
Food Win
Co-POV Win
Week 3 Co-HOH Win
Food Win
Co-POV Loss
Week 4 HOH Previous Co-HOH
Food Loss
POV Loss
Week 5 HOH Loss
POV Loss
Week 6 HOH Loss
Luxury Win
POV Loss
Week 7 HOH Loss
Food Loss
POV Loss

Voting History[]

Week Position Voted for With Majority?
1 Ineligible
Jen Diturno & Parker Somerville Yes
2 Co-POV Holder Alex Coladonato & Amanda Hansen Yes
3 Co-HOH
4 James Zinkand Yes
5 Returning HG James Zinkand Yes
Matt McDonald Yes
6 Chelsia Hart Yes
7 Nominated
Finale Jury Member Ryan Quicksall No

HOH History[]

Original Nominees Post-Veto Nominees Intended Target
Week 3 (Co-HOH with Sharon) & & &
Allison Nichols

Post Big Brother[]

  • Joshuah revealed on his Facebook page that he moved to Houston, Texas in 2018.[2]


  • Joshuah was the last person to be nominated on Big Brother 9 (US)
  • Joshuah and his partner Sharon Obermueller are the only houseguests to have multiple partners during the season.


Big Brother 9 (US) Houseguests
BB9Small Adam
BB9Small Ryan
BB9Small Sheila
BB9Small Sharon
BB9Small Natalie
BB9Small James
BB9Small Joshuah
BB9Small Chelsia
BB9Small Matt
BB9Small Allison
BB9Small Alex
BB9Small Amanda
BB9Small Jen
BB9Small Parker
BB9Small Neil
BB9Small Jacob