Big Brother Wiki

Jedson Tavernier was a houseguest on Big Brother Canada 9.

Jedson was the first player chosen by Kiefer Collison to be a part of Team Defender. He was a part of The Sunsetters alliance, had a final 2 alliance called Undercover Brothers with eventual winner Tychon Carter-Newman and a showmance with Beth Bieda. Jedson was a big target for the other side of the house for being a physical threat, but was able to remain safe by his alliance winning Head of Household competitions back to back.

He was also known for making poor strategic decisions. In week 7, he won HoH and attempted to backdoor Kiefer, only to then decide to keep him and evict Tina Thistle instead. During this week, Tychon turned against Jedson because the former felt he was at the bottom of the totem poll, and Kiefer also turned against him as well despite being saved from eviction. In the following week, Jedson and Beth were nominated by Tera Petrozzi-Gillen. After Jedson won the Power of Veto, he was convinced by Tera that if he used the veto on Beth, Breydon White would be the replacement nominee and would be evicted, which led to him saving Beth from the block and Tera nominating Breydon next to him. Initially feeling safe, Jedson began to feel suspicious about the plan. When he confronted Kiefer and Tychon before the eviction, they both confessed to him that they were voting him out. Jedson was then evicted in the first half of the Fake Double Eviction in a 3-0 vote. He had the chance to return to the game in a one-on-one showdown against fellow evictee, Tera, but lost, officially placing 6th and becoming the 4th member of the Jury.

Jedson's decision to remain on the block and use the veto on Beth is considered one of the worst moves in Big Brother Canada history.


Jedson Tavernier Biography

Jedson Tavernier - Cast Bio - Big Brother Canada 9 (-BBCAN9) - New Season Wednesday March 3

This well-rounded ladies’ man is confident he holds the three essential qualities needed to succeed on BBCAN: athleticism, intelligence, and a charming personality.

Retrieved from
Name: Jedson Tavernier
Age: 25
Pronouns: He/Him
Zodiac: Virgo
Hometown: Aurora, Ontario
Occupation: Personal Trainer
Relationship Status: Single
What is your strategy going into the house?
1. Keep my educational background a secret
2. Get into a strong, undercover alliance of four to five people
3. Win when necessary, but not every time (avoid being a target)
4. Work a strong social game, play on emotions of others, try to be “good” with many players
5. Appear to struggle in mental competitions early in the game
6. Explore a low key showmance if the opportunity presents itself
Why do you think you were selected to be on BBCAN9?
I think I was chosen because of the energy I will bring into the house and my overall potential. I consider myself very strong in all three pillars of the game (physical/social/mental). Also my physical appearance and willingness to entertain a showmance.
What part of the Big Brother Canada experience do you think will be the hardest for you?
If I have to be a Have Not. Being on slop will be difficult for me to handle because food is a major part of my daily routine.
How do you want people to remember you as a player on BBCAN?
One of the most well rounded players in BBCAN history. Athletic, intelligent, and social. Also able to make big moves and control his own fate.[1]

Player History - Big Brother Canada 9[]

Competition/Task History[]

Week 1 Team Immunity Nominated
Week 2 HOH Loss
POV Not Picked
Week 3 HOH Loss
Luxury Loss
Week 4 HOH Loss
POV Loss
Week 5 HOH Loss
POV Not Picked
Luxury Ineligible
Week 6 HOH Loss
POV Not Picked
HOH Loss
POV Not Picked
Week 7 HOH Win
POV Sat out as HOH
Luxury Win
Week 8 HOH Previous HOH
HOH Fake Evicted
Re-Entry Loss

Have/Have-Not History[]

Week 1 Have-Not
Week 2 Have
Week 3 Have
Week 4 Have
Week 5 Have
Week 6 Have
Week 7 Have
Week 8 Have-Not

Voting History[]

Week Position Voted for With Majority?
1 Nominated Julie Vu Yes
2 Josh Farnworth Yes
3 POV Holder Kiefer Collison No
4 Kyle Moore Yes
5 Austin Dookwah Yes
6 Victoria Woghiren Yes
Rohan Kapoor Yes
8 Nominated/POV
Fake Evicted
Finale Jury Member Tychon Carter-Newman Yes

HOH History[]

Original Nominees Post-Veto Nominees Intended Target
Tina Thistle

Post Big Brother[]



  1. GET TO KNOW JEDSON TAVERNIER. Big Brother Canada (24 February 2021). Retrieved on 6 March 2021.

External Links[]

Big Brother Canada 9 Houseguests
Canada9 Small Tychon
Canada9 Small Breydon
Canada9 Small Tera
Canada9 Small Kiefer
Canada9 Small Beth
Canada9 Small Jedson
Canada9 Small Tina
Canada9 Small Rohan
Canada9 Small Victoria
Canada9 Small Austin
Canada9 Small Kyle
Canada9 Small Latoya
Canada9 Small Josh
Canada9 Small Julie