Big Brother Wiki

Jason Lance Dent was a houseguest on Big Brother 19 (US).

He is known for his friendship with Kevin Schlehuber, his close alliance with Alex Ow, and for accidentally breaking Christmas Abbott's foot in week 1. After Paul convinced his close friend Josh to flip on him, he was ultimately evicted during the first half of the second Double Eviction as result of Christmas casting the tiebreaker vote against him. He placed 7th and was the fifth member of the jury.

On finale night it was revealed Jason, Cody and Kevin were in the top 3 for America's Favorite Houseguest award, but lost to Cody.


Jason Dent Biography

Retrieved from [2]
Age: 37
Hometown: Humeston, IA
Current City: Humeston, IA
Occupation: Rodeo Clown
Three Adjectives: Charismatic, ambitious and athletic
Favorite Activities: Rodeo
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house?
Leaving my friends and family, and living with complete strangers.
Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most?
James Huling from Seasons 17 and 18 because I feel like he plays dumb, but he made it really far.
Do you have a strategy for winning the game? Yes.
My life's motto is… You only live once.
What would you take into the house, and why?
- Ole, my bull. He's my best friend
- Radio
- Trampoline
Fun fact about yourself:
- I'm a storyteller extraordinaire. My stories are true, very handy, very creative, and infectious.

Player History - Big Brother 19[]

Competition History[]

Week 1 Temptation Loss
Hit The Road Ineligible
HOH Part 1 Loss
HOH Part 2 Ineligible
POV Loss
Week 2 HOH Loss
POV Not Picked
Week 3 HOH Loss
Week 4 House Challenge Not Picked
HOH Loss
POV Loss
Week 5 HOH Loss
Temptation Nominated
POV Loss
Week 6 HOH Loss
Temptation Survived
POV Not Picked
Week 7 HOH Loss
Temptation Survived
POV Loss
POV Loss
Week 8 HOH Previous HOH
Week 9 HOH Win
Week 10 HOH Previous HOH
POV Loss

Have/Have-Not History[]

Week 1 Have
Week 2 Have-Not
Week 3 Have-Not Extension
Week 4 Have
Week 5 Have
Week 6 Have
Week 7 Have-Not
Week 8 Have
Week 9 Have
Week 10 Have/Have-Not Phase Over

Den of Temptation History[]

Week 1 Loss
Week 2 Loss
Week 3 Loss
Week 4 Den of Temptation Phase Over
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10

Voting History[]

Week Position Voted for With Majority?
1 Friendship Immunity Christmas Abbott No
Christmas Abbott No
2 Cody Nickson Yes
3 POV Holder Dominique Cooper Yes
4 House Challenger Paul Abrahamian Yes
Ramses Soto Yes
5 Vetoed Temp Nominee No Voting
6 Jessica Graf Yes
7 Vetoed Cody Nickson Yes
8 Used POV on Self Matthew Clines No
10 Nominated
Finale Jury Member Josh Martinez Yes

HOH History[]

Original Nominees Post-Veto Nominees Intended Target
Day 58
Elena Davies
Week 9
Matthew Clines

Post Big Brother[]

  • After receiving his HOH basket from winning the first Double Eviction HOH, Jason received a letter from his wife informing him of her pregnancy. The baby girl, Letti Opal Dent, was born on March 11, 2018. [3]


  • Jason was the first houseguest to not use the Power of Veto on Big Brother 19.
  • Jason is the first HouseGuest to be nominated because of the Temptation Competition. He is also the second person to be Vetoed and not have someone replace them on the block due to being a special third nominee, the first being Morgan Willett. They were followed by Christie Murphy and Xavier Prather.
  • Jason is the first HouseGuest in the history of the show to have the Power of Veto used on him by three different HouseGuests.
  • Jason is the first HouseGuest on to win the PoV three times on Big Brother 19. He was followed by Paul.
  • Jason is the fifth HouseGuest to win the Power of Veto in all three situations (as HOH, as a nominee, and as a picked player), sometimes referred to as the Trifecta Veto. The first houseGuests to accomplish this were Daniele Donato, Shane Meaney, Paulie Calafiore & Corey Brooks respectively.
  • Jason was the first HouseGuest to win five competitions in Big Brother 19 between HoH and Pov wins.


Big Brother 19 (US) Houseguests
BB19 Small Josh
BB19 Small Paul
BB19 Small Christmas
BB19 Small Kevin
BB19 Small Alex
BB19 Small Raven
BB19 Small Jason
BB19 Small Matthew
BB19 Small Mark
BB19 Small Elena
BB19 Small Cody
BB19 Small Jessica
BB19 Small Ramses
BB19 Small Dominique
BB19 Small Jillian
BB19 Small Megan
BB19 Small Cameron