Big Brother Wiki

Isabel Lepanto "Izzy" Gleicher was a houseguest on Big Brother 25 (US).

Immediately forming an alliance with Cirie and Jared Fields due to her being a superfan of Survivor, Izzy would prove to be a chaotic player behind the scenes, planning out several vote flips, including a successful one against Red Utley. While she was solidly positioned in the house with The Fields, Izzy eventually flew too close to the sun when rival Cameron Hardin won Head of Household and nominated her, followed by Jared not using the Power of Veto to save her. Although initially the house was set on evicting Felicia Cannon, America Lopez would initiate a vote flip against Izzy due to the The Fields' control of the game, which resulted in Izzy getting evicted by a vote of 8-1. She placed 12th.


Izzy Gleicher Biography

Retrieved from
Age: 32
Hometown: New York, NY
Occupation: Professional Flutist

How does it feel to be on the 25th season of Big Brother?
I mean, I think there's a lot of pressure being on a historic season. Hhistoric seasons, maybe sometimes for the audience can feel like a letdown. But not this season! Season 25 is going to be the best for sure.

What twists do you think are happening in Big Brother 25?
I think the theme is comics. I think it's BB comics.

Why did you decide you wanted to play Big Brother?
I mean, I'm a proud queer woman. And I think that that representation hasn't really been at the fullest in Big Brother. And so I want to be a strong powerful representation for my queer community. And that feels really important to me.

What's your experience watching Big Brother?
I am a huge fan of the show. But the little fun fact is I only started watching the show in January of 2023. But I have seen almost every season twice now in that time. So I'm a huge fan.

What are your thoughts on Julie Chen Moonves as a host?
I mean, she's gorgeous. But Julie Chen, I love that she's a news anchor for the show. I love that it's breaking news. I love that she brings everyone into the drama in the way that she does, in this professional and unbiased way. And I think that's really important.

What is your strategy going into the game?
As a musician outside the house, I think it's really important for my game inside the house to crescendo. I want to start low and just observe people and fit in socially. And then towards the end, I can turn on that comp beast when no one will see it coming.

How much will you hide about yourself during your time in the house?
I don't plan on keeping any secrets about my personal life from the houseguests because I absolutely cannot keep up the lie. And I don't want to step in it. I'm going to do enough foot in my mouth throughout the season as it is.

Why will you win Big Brother 25?
I'm going to win Big Brother because when I walk into a room, all eyes tend to go on me. And I think people find me pretty disarming. I think everyone's guards are going to be down. They're going to tell me their secrets. I'm going to have all the information in the house, and I'm going to use it to my advantage[1]

Player History - Big Brother 25 (US)[]

Competition History[]

Week 1 Nomination Safe
HOH Loss
POV Not Picked
Week 2 HOH Loss
POV Not Picked
Week 3 HOH Loss
POV Loss
Week 4 HOH Loss
POV Not Picked
Invincibility Ineligible
Week 5 HOH Loss
POV Not Picked
Week 6 HOH Loss
POV Loss

Have/Have-Not History[]

Week 1 Have
Week 2 Have
Week 3 Have
Week 4 Have-Not
Week 5 Have
Week 6 Have-Not

Voting History[]

Week Position Voted for With Majority?
1 Kirsten Elwin Yes
2 Reilly Smedley Yes
3 Hisam Goueli Yes
4 Jag Bains Yes
5 Red Utley Yes
6 Nominated

Post Big Brother[]



Big Brother 25 (US) Houseguests
US25 Small Jag
US25 Small Matt
US25 Small Bowie Jane
US25 Small Felicia
US25 Small Cirie
US25 Small America
US25 Small Blue
US25 Small Cory
US25 Small Cameron
US25 Small Mecole
US25 Small Jared
US25 Small Izzy
US25 Small Red
US25 Small Hisam
US25 Small Reilly
US25 Small Kirsten
US25 Small Luke