Big Brother Wiki

Hira Deol was a houseguest on Big Brother Canada 8.


Hira Deol Biography

Name: Hira Deol
Age: 30
Zodiac: Pisces
Hometown: Brampton, Ontario
Occupation: Accountant
Relationship Status: Married
What is your strategy going into the house?
At the start of the game, I want to gain trust from as many people as possible and rely on my social skills. I want to get to know everybody on a personal level and be a listening board. Then, as the game progresses, I’ll rely on my physical and competitive skills to take myself further.
Why do you think you were selected to be on BBCAN8?
As the first turban-wearing Sikh houseguest, I believe I represent one of the many different sides of Canadian multiculturalism. I’m also a big fan of the show and can be very competitive.
What part of the Big Brother Canada experience do you think will be the hardest for you?
I’m going to miss my wife and my two-year-old daughter – I’m going to miss them to pieces! Being detached from the outside world and disconnected from my family will be hard.
How do you want people to remember you as a player on BBCAN?
As one of the best players in Big Brother Canada history who played an honest and integral game. I also want to be someone that had a hand in many decisions and be that wing-person to the HOH.
If you win Big Brother Canada, how would you spend the cash prize?
I would save and invest it in my family and give back by contributing to a charity.
My biggest pet peeve is: impatience.
My biggest fear is: growing old and feeling like I didn’t have an impact on a lot of people.
My typical Sunday is: waking up and having my wife’s tea, lounging with family, doing chores, and food prep for the week.
I geek out on: Toronto Raptors, I love basketball!
Most spontaneous thing I’ve done is: I proposed to my wife on a whim while driving in California – I pulled over by a beach and popped the question.
If I could only eat one thing in the house, it would be: burgers, fries, and pizza.
A fact about me that surprises people is: I was voted in high school to most likely be the next top model.
I get along best with people who: are funny and passionate.
My most used emoji is: 🙃
My idol or hero is: my parents.
My mantra is: mind over matter.
A personal accomplishment I am most proud of is: being a father.
Hero or villain? Hero
Competition beast or floater? Competition beast
Be the first HOH or be the first nominee? First HOH
No sleep or no food? No food
Intellectual skills or physical strength? Intellectual skills
Backstab your alliance or stay true to your word? Stay true to my word
Gut instinct or pure intellect? Pure intellect
Showmance or nomance? Nomance[1]

Player History - Big Brother Canada 8[]

Competition/Task History[]

Week 1 Safety Part 1 Ineligible
Safety Part 2 Ineligible
Week 2 HOH Loss
Luxury Win
Week 3 HOH Loss
POV/Immunity Loss
Week 4 HOH Loss

Have/Have-Not History[]

Week 1 Have
Week 2 Have
Week 3 Have
Week 4 Have

Voting History[]

Week Position Voted for With Majority?
1 Immune Nominations Void
2 Used POV on Self Micheal Stubley Yes
3 Nominations Void
4 POV Holder Nominations Void
Left Early

Post Big Brother[]



  1. Get to know Hira Deol. Global TV (26 February 2020). Retrieved on 27 February 2020.

External Links[]

Big Brother Canada 8 Houseguests
BBCAN8 Small Angie
BBCAN8 Small Brooke
BBCAN8 Small Carol
BBCAN8 Small Chris
BBCAN8 Small Hira
BBCAN8 Small John Luke
BBCAN8 Small Madeline
BBCAN8 Small Minh-Ly
BBCAN8 Small Rianne
BBCAN8 Small Sheldon
BBCAN8 Small Susanne
BBCAN8 Small Vanessa
BBCAN8 Small Kyle
BBCAN8 Small Jamar
BBCAN8 Small Micheal
BBCAN8 Small Nico
Left Early