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Big Brother Wiki

Hallie Clarke was a housemate on Big Brother 20 (UK).

Hallie came into the house as one of the first openly transgender housemates in Big Brother UK, and being the youngest contestant of the season, she began with rubbing her fellow housemates the wrong way with her explosive personality, committing many rule breaks and irritating Jenkin Edwards by rubbing his shoulder.

After 21 days in the Big Brother House, she was nominated against Trish Balusa and Dylan Tennant, where she received the most votes from the public, becoming the third housemate evicted from Big Brother 20 (UK).


Hallie Clarke Biography

Retrieved from
What made you apply to be a Big Brother housemate?

Just the whole experience. I feel like Big Brother is the biggest social experiment and I want to be a part of it. It's about getting my face out there and just having fun, enjoying life. I'm only 18 so I didn't grow up watching it but as I got older, I would watch clips on YouTube and stuff, so I've been a fan. And yeah, just for fun, really?

What part of the experience are you most looking forward to?

The tasks and all the different personalities. I can imagine it's all extroverted people and big personalities. Just the whole experience.

How would your friends and family describe you?

I'm a bit of a diva and I speak my mind but I'm also a very lovely person. I'm a girl's girl, for sure. I'm honest, fun and, yeah, just brilliant.

Tell us an interesting fact about yourself...

I once accidentally swallowed magnets and I was in the news because I had to get them surgically removed and everything!

What are you most likely to get nominated for?

Being lazy and having an opinion. I'm quite opinionated, I like speaking my mind and not many people like that. I'm quite real.

What would you do with the prize money if you won?

I’d give my mum a couple of grand just to say thank you for everything she’s done for me and to give her her flowers.

Who would be your dream celebrity to live with?

Alison Hammond. She is just so hilarious, I love her.[1]

Player's History - Big Brother 20 (UK)[]

Task/Competition History[]

Week 1 Secret Mission Ineligible
Luxury Loss
Shopping Task Passed
Week 2 Secret Mission Ineligible
Shopping Task Failed
Daily Task Passed
Week 3 Shopping Task Failed
Luxury Win
Luxury Win

Shopping Budget History[]

Week 1 Luxury Budget
Week 2 Economy Budget
Week 3 Economy Budget

Nominations History[]

Week Nominated Nominated By Final Position
1 Farida Khalifa
2 Zak Srakaew
Trish Balusa
Tom Bryant
Zak Srakaew
3 Henry Southan
Tom Bryant
Chanelle Bowen
Jenkin Edwards
Jordan Sangha
Tom Bryant
Yinrun Huang

Post Big Brother[]



  1. Big Brother: Meet Hallie (8 October 2023). Retrieved on 8 October 2023.
Big Brother 20 (UK) Housemates
UK20 Small Jordan
UK20 Small Olivia
UK20 Small Henry
UK20 Small Yinrun
UK20 Small Noky
UK20 Small Matty
UK20 Small Jenkin
UK20 Small Tom
UK20 Small Trish
UK20 Small Chanelle
UK20 Small Dylan
UK20 Small Paul
UK20 Small Kerry
UK20 Small Hallie
UK20 Small Zak
UK20 Small Farida