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Dynamic Duos was a twist on Big Brother 13 (US). It was reintroducted on Big Brother 24 (US) under the name of Festie-Besties.

On Big Brother 13 (US), In addition to the eight original houseguests, three pairs of returning players were introduced into the house as Dynamic Duos: Jordan Lloyd and Jeff Schroeder, Rachel Reilly and Brendon Villegas, and Dick Donato and Daniele Briones went into the house to compete for the grand prize. The eight new houseguests were allowed to get to know one another and form their own duos. When a houseguest won the Head of Household competition, their partner also received immunity from eviction. The HOH nominated a pair for eviction, rather than two individual houseguests. Houseguests could also receive a Golden Key; this was given to the remaining member of the nominated pair that survived an eviction vote or lost a partner due to an expulsion or voluntary exit. A Golden Key guaranteed this houseguest a spot in the top ten and immunity from all challenges and eviction. However, the recipients of a Golden Key were still required to vote to evict during the live eviction shows.

A similar twist was introduced in Big Brother 24 (US) at the end of Week 2 under the name, Festie-Besties. The remaining houseguests paired up immediately after they lost during the Week 3 HOH competition. The mechanics remained much the same as in Season 13 with one main exception: instead of receiving a golden key, the surviving houseguest after the eviction had the power to join one of the remaining pairs of "Festie-Besties" to form a trio and were not given immunity until jury while the twist was active. If a Festie-Bestie wins POV, their partner also wins the veto.

The Dynamic Duos[]

Original Duos
Adam & Dominic
Cassi & Shelly
Lawon & Kalia
Porsche & Keith
Brendon & Rachel
Daniele & Dick
Jeff & Jordan
Pandora's Box Duos
Rachel13 SmallJordan13 Small
Rachel & Jordan
Porsche13 SmallKalia13 Small
Porsche & Kalia
Adam13 SmallShelley13 Small
Adam & Shelly

Festie Besties[]

Original Pairings
US24 Small AlyssaUS24 Small Indy
Alyssa & Indy
US24 Small AmeerahUS24 Small Terrance
Ameerah & Terrance
US24 Small BrittanyUS24 Small Michael
Brittany & Michael
US24 Small DanielUS24 Small Kyle
Daniel & Kyle
US24 Small JasmineUS24 Small Turner
Jasmine & Turner
US24 Small JosephUS24 Small Monte
Joseph & Monte
US24 Small NicoleUS24 Small Taylor
Nicole & Taylor
Pair Changes
Week # Original Pair Evictee Joined Pairing
4 US24 Small AmeerahUS24 Small Terrance
Ameerah & Terrance
US24 Small Ameerah
US24 Small JosephUS24 Small MonteUS24 Small Terrance
Joseph, Monte, & Terrance
5 US24 Small NicoleUS24 Small Taylor
Nicole & Taylor
US24 Small Nicole
US24 Small AlyssaUS24 Small IndyUS24 Small Taylor
Alyssa, Indy, & Taylor
Festie Bestie Pairings by Week
Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
Alyssa Indy Indy Indy &
Brittany Michael Michael Michael
Indy Alyssa Alyssa Alyssa &
Jasmine Turner Turner Turner
Joseph Monte Monte &
Monte &
Kyle Daniel Daniel Daniel
Michael Brittany Brittany Brittany
Monte Joseph Joseph &
Joseph &
Taylor Nicole Nicole Alyssa &
Terrance Ameerah Joseph &
Joseph &
Turner Jasmine Jasmine Jasmine
Daniel Kyle Kyle Kyle
Nicole Taylor Taylor
Ameerah Terrance
*Note: Parings in Bold are new pairings for the week after the remaining Festive Bestie from the eviction vote was able to select a new group to join.