Camp Comeback is a twist introduced in Big Brother 21 (US) where the first four evicted houseguests remained in the Big Brother House, with one evicted houseguest earning their way back into the game.
Although the evicted houseguests are still allowed to remain in the house and play the social game, they must wear a camper's uniform and sleep in a room with Have-Not-like living conditions, although they were free to eat whatever they wanted. In addition, they are ineligible to participate in competitions and ceremonies and instead must watch and listen from a small black and white TV in the Camp Comeback room. However, they are allowed to be present at the live evictions.
After Ovi Kabir was evicted on Day 15, David Alexander re-entered the house after being evicted on Day 1 and they entered Camp Comeback together. Kemi Fakunle joined them on Day 23. On Day 30, Cliff Hogg III was evicted and the four immediately battled to get back into the main game, with Cliff returning, sending the other three home for good.
- Camp Comeback can be described as Big Brother's version of Survivor's Edge of Extinction twist.
- After the twist ended, the Camp Comeback room became the Have-Not room for the rest of the season.
- The twist was the center of much controversy during Big Brother 21, as the first three people sent there were people of color (two African-American contestants and one of Bangladesh descent), all evicted by Caucasian-American contestants. The controversy arose when the only Caucasian-American person in Camp Comeback was the person to return, eliminating the three minorities all at once.