Big Brother Wiki

Brenton Parkes was a housemate on Big Brother Australia 14.


Brenton Parkes Biography

Retrieved from

26, NSW

Brenton is a Sydney-based actor, model, DJ and entrepreneur. He’s the founder and director of a well-known DJ company as well as a lifestyle brand that makes Australia’s quietest massage guns.

A funny, creative, happy and loving guy, Brenton wasn’t always the person he presents as today. By finding faith and the blessings associated with a Christian lifestyle, he now has a wonderful group of friends, some exciting business operations, a plate full of acting work and a loving wife, Beth. Brenton goes into the Big Brother house ready to play the game and manipulate any given situation or alliance to get ahead in the game.

For Brenton, winning is everything.

What are your strengths?

I’m a fast sprinter and can lift heavy weights. Also, my quick wit and comedy timing.

What are your weaknesses?

Small calves.

What made you apply for Big Brother?

I actually got the call, so I didn’t really see it coming.

What are you most looking forward to in the house?

Meeting everyone and having a laugh.

What are you least looking forward to in the house?

Not being able to go to bed with my wife.

What kind of housemate do you think you will be?

Hopefully funny, entertaining and loveable.

What is the one thing you cannot live without?

Two things actually: my wife and my bible.[1]

Player History - Big Brother Australia 14[]

Competition/Task History[]

Week 1 Secret Mission Not in House
Nomination Challenge
Nomination Challenge
Nomination Challenge
Week 2 Second Chance
Luxury Challenge
Nomination Challenge
Shopping Task
Nomination Challenge
Panic Task
Week 3 Second Chance
Secret Mission
Nomination Challenge
Shopping Task
Nomination Challenge
Panic Task
Week 4 Second Chance
Reward Task
Nomination Challenge Loss
Shopping Task Earned $300
Nomination Challenge Loss
Panic Task Ineligible
Week 5 Second Chance Ineligible
Secret Mission Ineligible
Nomination Challenge Loss
Shopping Task Earned $92.60
Nomination Challenge Win
Panic Task Ineligible
Week 6 Second Chance Ineligible
Reward Task Failed
Nomination Challenge Win
Shopping Task Earned $80
Nomination Challenge In Waiting Room
Panic Task
Second Chance
Week 7 Reward Task Ineligible
Nomination Challenge Loss
Shopping Task Earned $340
Nomination Challenge Loss
Panic Task Passed
Second Chance Win
Luxury Challenge Win
Nomination Challenge Loss
Week 8 Shopping Task Earned $600
Nomination Challenge Loss
Panic Task Ineligible
Second Chance Loss
Nomination Challenge Loss
Second Chance Ineligible
Week 9 Nomination Challenge Loss
Nomination Challenge Loss
Nomination Challenge Loss
Nomination Challenge Loss

Voting History[]

Eviction Voting[]

Week Position Voted for With Majority?
1 Not in House
Trevor Butler Yes
5 Lulu Oliveira Yes
Anthony Drew No
Co-Nominator Anthony Drew Yes
6 Co-Nominator Gabbie Keevill No
Immune Jules Rangiheuea Sole Vote
7 Tully Smyth Yes
Saved Anthony Drew Yes
Jaycee Edwards Yes
8 Post-Save Nominee
Estelle Landy Yes
Tim Dormer No
Estelle Landy Yes
9 Nominated Tim Dormer Yes
Aleisha Campbell Yes

House Nominations[]

Week Nominated Nominated By Final Position
1 Not in House
4 Dave Graham
5 Tully Smyth Ineligible
6 In Waiting Room
7 Anthony Drew Aleisha Campbell
Gabbie Keevill
Gabbie Keevill
Tim Dormer
8 Gabbie Keevill Gabbie Keevill Post-Save Nominee

HOH Voting[]

Week Nominated Nominated By Final Position
2 Not in House
4 Ineligible
Aleisha Campbell
Jaycee Edwards
Johnson Ashak
Sam Manovski
Taras Hrubyj-Piper
5 Estelle Landy
6 Johnson Ashak
7 Jaycee Edwards
8 Ineligible

Nominator History[]

Original Nominees Post-Save Nominees Post-SC Nominees Intended Target
Day 35
Anthony Drew
 By House
Gabbie Keevill
 By House
Jaycee Edwards
 By House
Tully Smyth
 By House
Aleisha Campbell
Anthony Drew
Gabbie Keevill
 By House
Jaycee Edwards
 By House
Aleisha Campbell
Gabbie Keevill
 By House
Day 39
David Graham

Post Big Brother[]



Big Brother Australia 14 Housemates
Australia14 Small Reggie
Australia14 Small Johnson
Australia14 Small Taras
Australia14 Small Brenton
Australia14 Small Aleisha
Australia14 Small Tim
Australia14 Small Estelle
Australia14 Small Gabbie
Australia14 Small Jaycee
Australia14 Small Drew
Australia14 Small Tully
Australia14 Small Jules
Australia14 Small Dave
Australia14 Small Sam
Australia14 Small Lulu
Australia14 Small Trevor
Australia14 Small Joel
Australia14 Small Lara
Australia14 Small Layla
Australia14 Small Mel
Australia14 Small Josh
Third Place