Big Brother Wiki

Anika Mysha was a houseguest on Big Brother Canada 11.

Anika was best known for her friendship with Daniel Clarke, her membership in The Crown and her arguments with Santina Carlson and Kuzie Mujakachi. After Anika was left alongside Daniel on the block at the final four, Claudia Campbell cast the sole vote to evict on her, reasoning that she lacked a game relationship with her. She placed 4th and became the 8th member of the jury.


Anika Mysha Biography

Retrieved from
Name: Anika Mysha

Age: 28

Pronouns: She/Her

Zodiac: Taurus

Hometown: Saskatoon, Sask.

Occupation: Investment Advisor

Relationship Status: Single

Why do you think you were selected to be on BBCAN11?

My strong personality and my looks.

What is your strategy going into the house?

Play a fair game and get people to trust me.

What part of the Big Brother Canada experience do you think will be the hardest for you?

Being without my phone.

How do you want people to remember you as a player on BBCAN?

A competitive but fair team player.

Fill in the Blank:

My biggest pet peeve is: don’t make me wait.

My happy place is: spending time with my family.

My biggest fear is: heights.

My greatest strength is: confidence.

My dream vacation is: Santorini, Greece.

My most prized possession is: family.

My favourite hobby is: dancing.

Most spontaneous thing I’ve done is: getting my personal training certification.

If I could only eat one thing in the house, it would be: chicken (I need protein).

A fact about me that surprises people is: I am not sporty or outdoorsy yet I go on annual camping trips with my friends.

I get along best with people who: are friendly and good listeners.

My friends/family would describe me as someone who: is loud, extroverted, friendly and confrontational.

A personal accomplishment I am most proud of is: buying my first home all by myself.

Rapid Fire:

Hero or villain? Villain

Competition beast or floater? Comp beast

No sleep or no food? No food

Intellectual skills or physical strength? Physical strength

Backstab your alliance or stay true to your word? Stay true to your word

Gut instinct or pure intellect? Gut instinct

Showmance or nomance? Showmance[1]

Player History - Big Brother Canada 11[]

Competition/Task History[]

Week 1 HOH Part 1 Loss
HOH Part 2 Ineligible
Nomination Ineligible
POV Loss
Week 2 HOH Loss
POV Not Picked
Week 3 HOH Loss
POV Loss
Week 4 HOH Loss
POV Not Picked
Week 5 HOH Loss
POV Not Picked
Week 6 HOH Loss
Safety Ineligible
HOH Loss
POV Loss
Week 7 HOH Loss
POV Loss
HOH Loss
POV Loss
Week 8 HOH Win
POV Loss
Week 9 HOH Previous HOH
POV Loss

Have/Have-Not History[]

Week 1 Have-Not
Week 2 Phase Not Active
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8 Have-Not
Week 9 Have/Have-Not Phase Over

Wendy's Rewards Points History[]

Beg. Bal Gain/Loss End Bal.
Week 1 500 +100 =600
Week 2 600 +850 +100 =1550
Week 3 1550 +100 =1650
Week 4 1650 +100 =1750
Week 5 1750 +100 =1850
Week 6 1850 +100 +100 =2050
Week 7 2050 +150 +5000 +150 =7550
+100 +100
Week 8 7550 +500 -4400 =3650
Week 9 Wendy's Points Phase Over

Voting History[]

Week Position Voted for With Majority?
1 Vetoed John Michael Sosa Yes
2 Roberto Lopez Yes
3 Nominations Void
Nominations Void
4 Dan Szabo Yes
5 Jonathan Leonard Yes
6 Santina Carlson Yes
Hope Agbolosoo Yes
7 Nominated
Vetoed Shanaya Carter Yes
8 HOH Renee Mior Yes (Tiebreaker)
9 Post-POV Nominee
Finale Jury Member Ty McDonald Yes

HOH History[]

Original Nominees Post-Veto Nominees Intended Target
Week 8
Renee Mior

Post Big Brother[]



  1. Get to Know Anika Mysha. Big Brother Canada (1 March 2023). Retrieved on 1 March 2023.

External Links[]

Big Brother Canada 11 Houseguests
Canada11 Small Ty
Canada11 Small Claudia
Canada11 Small Daniel
Canada11 Small Anika
Canada11 Small Renee
Canada11 Small Shanaya
Canada11 Small Kuzie
Canada11 Small Hope
Canada11 Small Santina
Canada11 Small Jonathan
Canada11 Small Dan
Canada11 Small Zach
Canada11 Small Vanessa
Canada11 Small Roberto
Canada11 Small John Michael
Canada11 Small Amal