Aneal began the game in a rough spot, put on the outs of the majority of the house. After being nominated by one of his closer allies in the house in week two, Aneal, with the help of Liza Stinton, managed to flip the votes onto Danielle Alexander. Aneal’s game seemed to be starting to look up until Canada saved Suzette Amaya from the block, and with just a few minutes to decide, Tom Plant decided to nominate him as a replacement. With nearly no time to campaign, Aneal was evicted by a vote of 8-2, placing 13th.
Aneal Ramkissoon (born 1991) is a 21 year old Trinidadian Canadian Student from Richmond Hill, Ontario. He describes himself as being outgoing, stubborn, and fun. He hopes to use his experience on the show to develop his undergraduate thesis, and plans on playing a more strategic game.