Big Brother Wiki

Ameerah Shay Jones was a houseguest on Big Brother 24 (US).

Ameerah spent the first two weeks of the game in a powerful position, being insulated in multiple alliances and being a key player in the blindside of Pooch Pucciarelli. However, things came crashing down with the formation of The Leftovers, an alliance consisting of the at-the-time outsiders that would go on to dominate the season. The alliance would pinpoint Ameerah as the biggest threat, and she and her Festie Bestie Terrance Higgins were unexpectedly named replacement nominees by Matt Turner. Despite being blindsided by her nomination, Ameerah was kept convinced she wasn't the actual target, leading to a second blindside when she was evicted 7-4.


Ameerah Jones Biography

Retrieved from
Age: 31
Hometown/Current City: Westminster, Md.
Occupation: Content designer

What’s the best advice you received before coming out to play?
Be yourself! It's okay to cry if you have to cry. It's okay when you want to celebrate. Just be yourself, be authentic, be genuine throughout the whole experience.

What do you think people will perceive you as?
I think people are going to perceive me as pretty authentic. I am going to be very straightforward with everyone in the house, whether that is something nice or something mean. My feelings are going to be said. People are going to know exactly how I feel. So I think people probably think I'm very authentic and genuine.

What types of players would you least want in your alliance?
The two-timers! The people that are also in another alliance, but I'm not aware of it. I want people that are super dedicated to the alliance that we are in. They're playing for just one squad. They're not playing two sides of the field.

What’s something the other houseguests may dislike about you?
Since I'm so straightforward and say things how it is, sometimes they're not going to like what I have to say. So I'm afraid I could say something that offends somebody or hurt somebody's feelings. But I'm just such a straightforward person.

On eviction night, would you rather flip the votes against the house to help your individual game, or go with the house to help your overall alliance?
I'm only going to go for my own individual game if I know it's going to make a difference. So I don't want to be the person that just throws out one vote for somebody even though I know I'm gonna be the only person. Even if it's helping my game, is that really helping my game long-term? People are gonna pick me out and figure out that I was that one stray vote. So I'm going to go with my alliance if that's going to help my game long-term, I'm going to be thinking long-term the entire time. So if it's helping me long-term, I'm going to be going with my alliance.[1]

Player History - Big Brother 24 (US)

Competition History

Week 1 HOH Part 1 Loss
HOH Part 2 Ineligible
POV Loss
Week 2 HOH Part 1 Win
HOH Part 2 Loss
POV Loss
Week 3 HOH Loss
Co-POV Not Picked

Have/Have-Not History

Week 1 Have
Week 2 Have
Week 3 Have

Voting History

Week Position Voted for With Majority?
1 Nominations Void
2 Pooch Pucciarelli Yes
3 Post-POV Nominee

Post Big Brother

The Challenge

Ameerah Challenge USA 2

Ameerah's Cast Photo for The Challenge: USA 2



Big Brother 24 (US) Houseguests
US24 Small Taylor
US24 Small Monte
US24 Small Turner
US24 Small Brittany
US24 Small Alyssa
US24 Small Michael
US24 Small Terrance
US24 Small Kyle
US24 Small Joseph
US24 Small Jasmine
US24 Small Indy
US24 Small Daniel
US24 Small Nicole
US24 Small Ameerah
US24 Small Pooch
US24 Small Paloma